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RULK REPORT : Red Hulk writer Jeff Parker talks HULK and “Circle Of Four”!


Celebrated Red Hulk writer Jeff Parker sat down with Marvel’s Chris Arrant to discuss the upcoming “Circle Of Four” event, writing the Red Hulk series, and the milestone 50th issue of the HULK.

Here are the highlights:

Marvel.com: HULK #50 hit stores in April, Jeff, so can you tell us what we can expect coming up?

Jeff Parker: Because he still answers to Steve Rogers’ requests, Red Hulk goes hunting Venom as an AWOL soldier, and gets pulled into battle with an enormous occult menace. This follows him out of the VENOM series as it kicks off a supernatural arc drawn by Carlo Pagulayan, who excels at the bizarre imagery such stories entail.

Marvel.com: We’ll be asking you about that VENOM arc, “Circle of Four,” in a bit, but right now I want to focus on the HULK, specifically Red Hulk. How has it been to define Red Hulk as a solo character and develop his cast of characters around him?

Jeff Parker: Really rewarding. He’s been running into/working with a lot of different heroes, but most don’t connect with him. Then comes Machine Man, who is methodical and all about the mission. That is the kind of thing Thad Ross really likes.

He also really likes Annie the Life Model Decoy from Gamma Base, though he seems completely baffled that he is entering into such a non-traditional relationship with a non-human. But he crossed a line in becoming a Hulk, the thing he hated most—so is it really that much bigger a step?

Marvel.com: Speaking of exploring new ground, I read that the Eternals show up soon. What can you say about that?

Jeff Parker: This year we’re going to be exploring the concept of gods in the Marvel Universe, and the idea that when you look at what man throughout history has considered a god, isn’t that what the modern super hero is?

The Eternals are strongly considering their place in humanity. They often decide that they shouldn’t interfere with us because they’re so powerful, but now there are lots of contenders to that level of power who interfere all the time. And haven’t the Eternals been here for ages; isn’t it their planet too? Shouldn’t they maybe step in and deal with these super people who seem to bring the world to the brink of destruction so often?

Main Eternals like Zuras and Ikarus point out the explosion in the super population and the especially worrying trend that there are suddenly more Hulks. And the first one, as a rule, has not always been the most stable of all-powerful creatures. So with this growing dei-paranoia, they approach Red Hulk, and you can imagine where things might go from there!


Marvel.com: One place I’d like to go from there with you is to talk about VENOM, which you mentioned earlier. You’re joining with GHOST RIDER writer Rob Williams and VENOM writer Rick Remender to tell a unique story-arc inside that crosses your characters as well as X-23. You’re doing VENOM #13.3, so what does your issue cover?

Jeff Parker: I’m part three, where things go really wrong!

Marvel.com: Exactly! Digging deeper however, this story takes place in Las Vegas. The Hulk has a long history with Las Vegas, but can you tell us how Red Hulk takes to the town? Jeff Parker: He doesn’t get much time to play the slots or meet dancehall girls; it’s mostly coming apart as soon as he gets there.

Marvel.com: How does the team dynamic work between Red Hulk, and Venom, X-23 and Ghost Rider? Jeff Parker: You know how some characters are put together and just click like a unit, a well-oiled machine? This isn’t that team. They make the most dysfunctional lineup of Masters of Evil look like the Fantastic Four.

Marvel.com: Speaking of the Fantastic Four, seeing this team together reminds me of a fun-house mirror version of the replacement Fantastic Four team with Hulk, Wolverine, Spider-Man and Ghost Rider. Was that intentional?

Jeff Parker: Oh yes! We even lucked up and got Walt Simonson to do a cover; everyone was thrilled when that came in. His original story was just so full of crazy energy and we wanted something that gave that same feel. I always loved when his Fantastic Four headed out to Monster Island and The Hulk took the pilot position instead of someone like Ghost Rider who you’d expect. I don’t know how many times I’ve read and re-read those issues.

Marvel.com: What’s it like to work in tandem with Rob Williams and Rick Remender to tell this story?

Jeff Parker: It’s like working with two other myselfs, if one had an English accent and the other a Tin Tin haircut. We’ve had such an easy time trading ideas and suggestions, it fools you into thinking writers teaming up is a good idea. I hope we get the chance to do it again.

Marvel.com: Artist Julian Totino Tedesco works with you on this issue, fresh from illustrating the covers to the upcoming SEASON ONE books. What do you think his particular skill set allow you to do with the story?

Jeff Parker: Julian is one of those artists who can draw anything, so the sky’s the limit. I lucked [out] big-time there. If you’re an artist, just looking at his pages will hit that nerve that makes you want to draw; you can just enjoy his lines.

To read the entire interview with Jeff, including his discussion regarding his THUNDERBOLTS Series, click on the link HERE !

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