A general falls. A red monster rises. Stay tuned.


RULK REPORT : Director Joss Whedon considered Red Hulk for AVENGERS Film?

Joss Whedon, the acclaimed director of one of the bigest movies of all time… Marvel’s THE AVENGERS…. blogs ever so often on the weblog site whedonesque.com. His latest post is a cheeky interview of sorts, where he was asked the following question:

RDA: Anyone in particular you’d like to thank?

JW: [Reads from notecard]. I couldn’t have done this myself. Part of this Saturn Award belongs to Jeremy Latcham, Kevin Feige, and the fine Marvel folk… But the secret ingredient is my closest peeps: J-Mo, who did uncredited punch-up work (carrier battle, yo!), Z-bro, Drew “I am Loki only taller and foppier” Goddard, and Kai, all of whom worked the story with me. Without them (and Jeremy), I’d still be figuring out how the Wasp fits in to this, and where to put Red Hulk.

Now normally I would just chalk this up to quirky humor from a quirky director and would never believe the Red Hulk was considered to make an appearance in the first AVENGERS film Marvel produced (that has gone on to break box office records across the globe).  Yet, however, what is intriguing is Whedon also mentions Wasp, which Joss has routinely been asked about and revealed the buggy superheroine was very much considered to be included in the early stages of The AVENGERS script building.  Joss also seems to be legitly thanking people who helped him massage his script to the tight, slice of perfection we ended up with today.  So was a Rulking General Thaddeus “Thunderbolt” Ross briefly considered as well?

I’m still doubtful, but it’s worth following up with a question one day (if anyone gets the opportunity to ask).

GREEN HULK : New THE INCREDIBLE HULK Film may be slated for 2015!


According to www.BleedingCool.com and Marvel’s merchandising representative Paul Glitter, based on the positive reception the Hulk is receiving in the new Avengers film, the big green guy may return to theaters for a new solo film just yet.

Here is Gitter’s quote:

“If Hulk’s successful turnaround continues, Gitter says Marvel “will spin him off to a stand-alone program next year,” supported by a big budget franchise movie in 2015. The entertainment studio is also exploring ways to promote Hulk as a “corporate icon,” similar to MetLife’s usage of Peanuts’ Snoopy, where The Hulk’s image conveys a message about channeling strength to overcome workplace challenges.”

If a new film would likely spell doom for the proposed Incredible Hulk ABC television series is still unclear.

GREEN HULK : New still of a bloodied nosed Hulk in the upcoming Avengers Film!



NEW RULK : AVENGERS Issue # 24 is out today!


Writer: Brian Michael Bendis

Colorist: Dean V. White


Rated: T

Price: $3.99


Shocking Conclusion To The Epic H.A.M.M.E.R./Norman Osborn Storyline!
Which Avengers Will Take Their Relationship To The Next Level?
Will Norman Osborn’s Dream Come True?
The Summer Of The Avengers Starts Here

GREEN HULK : New AVENGERS Trailer Debuts!


GREEN HULK : New AVENGERS Theatrical Poster Released!


GREEN HULK : New AVENGERS Film Promotional Poster!


GREEN HULK : AVENGERS Film EXTENDED Super Bowl Commercial!

GREEN HULK : A Teaser for THE AVENGERS Film Superbowl Commercial has been Released!

RULK PREVIEW : AVENGERS X-SANCTION Issue # 3 – The Talbot Red Hulk mystery is revealed!


At the end of AVENGERS : X-SANCTION Issue #2, a great deal of speculation occurred among the comic community when the defeated Cable referred to the Red Hulk as no one other than “Talbot”… rather than General Ross.  Well in this latest preview of Issue # 3, it appears out of all the theories suggested, one stands comfirmed: Cable came from an alternate timeline where Talbot still lives and is now the Red Hulk, transformed by the evil Intelligencia think-tank instead of Ross.  Check it out.






A general falls. A red monster rises. Stay tuned.

Follow the RED HULK BLOG on Twitter @ RedHulkBlog

GREEN HULK : More Promotional AVENGERS Film Art!




GREEN HULK : AVENGERS PRELUDE Movie Tie-In Cover Art Revealed!


Marvel’s The Avengers Prelude #1 (of Four) hits comic stores this March, setting the stage for the movie event of 2012!


“They’re going back to their home.  We worked out a treaty.  You’re a military man.. you like treaties, right?” – Spider-Man

“I guess…” – Rulk

“Yeah, sure you do” – Spider-Man

While reviewing the previous AVENGING SPIDER-MAN  Issue # 1 and 2 (which can be read here), the series was simply proclaimed as “pure fun”.  It’s a compliment harder to achieve than one might think, and fortunately for comic fans everywhere, the 3rd and final issue of the Spider-Man / Red Hulk team-up continues that trend… and does not disappoint.

When we last left Spider-Man and the Red Hulk, the Rulk was slain by Ra’ktar, the King of the underground dwelling Molans who possibly possess the sharpest substance on… or underneath…  the Earth.   Slain with a sword crafted by this dangerous substance, Ross lay defeated…. and Spidey took that distraction as an opportunity to flee with the imprisoned Jonah Jameson.  But to Jonah’s surprise (which may finally spur a shred of understanding and admiration towards the arachnid hero that saved him ) Spidey can only show Jonah the way out before his strength of honor, code and conscience compels the web-head to return to the side of the Red Hulk… regardless if he will ultimately meet the same deadly fate.

Writer Zeb Wells strikes gold again and expertly highlights the stuff that these two mismatched heroes are truly made of.   From Spider-Man’s honorable refusal to leave without his partner… to the Red Hulk’s refusal to give up and let his enemy get the best of him, all the right chords are struck.  And who could not appreciate the Rulk trailing a pool of blood, forcing his body to move all while giving himself a rigged military pep talk… “On your feet Ross!” “Buck up soldier!”

In the perspective of solely Red Hulk fans, sure the time spent on Rulk in this issue was a little short changed, but the unorthodox yet classic way Spidey defeated Ra’ktar served the story well… including the revenge-denying truce that enraged Ross much more than any punch or sword stroke ever could.

Joe Madureira’s art is purely insane, in the utmost complimentary way.  With the brilliant coloring of Ferran Daniel, Madureira’s talent produces stunning upon stunning images that are so very unique, surreal and tantalizing.  His gift is truly a special one… and who could not love his thrilling use of silhouettes!  It’s simply wonderful.

This is a comic book that will remind you why you like the Superhero genre.  Pick it up!

4 out of 5 Stars 

A general falls. A red monster rises. Stay tuned.
Follow the RED HULK BLOG on Twitter @ RedHulkBlog

GREEN HULK : New AVENGERS Promotional Poster featuring the Stark Tower!


GREEN HULK : “The Grey” director Joe Carnahan wants to direct “WORLD WAR HULK”!


Joe Carnahan, director of the upcoming Liam Neeson survival film “The Grey” coming to a theater near you, revealed his dream project would be directing an adaptation of WORLD WAR HULK!

Speaking with The Daily Blam!, here is what he had to say:

“I would love to make a World War Hulk film.. you know that comic where Hulk takes on Charles Xavier, Tony Stark and all of Earth’s heroes and just f*cks them up? That would be amazing to do! Maybe they’ll let me completely destroy Manhattan [laughs]. I think the character itself is so full of depth…I’m more of a fan of Ang Lee’s Hulk [movie] because it really captured that Jekyll and Hyde feel. I love seeing Hulk be docile and calm when he’s alone but go totally ballistic when anyone messes with him. If I could do it for $20 million, even better.”

Click here to read the entire interview :  http://www.dailyblam.com/news/2012/01/16/exclusive-interview-director-joe-carnahan-on-casting-brutal-filming-for-the-grey-com


A general falls. A red monster rises. Stay tuned.

Follow the RED HULK BLOG on Twitter @ RedHulkBlog

GREEN HULK : New AVENGERS Film Promotional Poster Revealed!


A general falls. A red monster rises. Stay tuned.
Follow the RED HULK BLOG on Twitter @ RedHulkBlog

RULK TWEETS IN REVIEW: Avengers Film Hulk, Comic Rankings & More!

August 15  – Comic Sales for July released : HULK #37 ranked 56th. HULK #36 ranked 61


HULK Issue # 37

HULK Issue # 36 

August 13 – Advance RULK REVIEW : HULK Issue # 42 http://t.co/xpc1vyy   

HULK Issue # 42 Ashcan Advance Copy

HULK Issue # 42 Ashcan Advance Copy


August 6 – RULK REVIEW : HULK Issue # 38 http://t.co/3C9NRZe

August 5 – RULK REVIEW : AVENGERS Issue # 9 http://t.co/hwostOG

August 2 – HULK Issue #38 debuts this Wednesday! Red Hulk’s big brawlin’ battle with the hammer-wielding Thing comes to its bone-bashing conclusion

HULK Issue # 38

HULK Issue # 38


July 28 – AVENGERS FILM HULK Details! http://t.co/cPzQ8Ae  

AVENGERS Licensing International Expo

AVENGERS Licensing International Expo


July 25 – RULK REVIEW : HULK Issue # 3 http://t.co/x0K7Za7

July 25 – GREEN HULK : Hulk’s new look in next year’s AVENGERS FILM is revealed!

Hulk Concept Art for AVENGERS 2012 Film

Hulk Concept Art for AVENGERS 2012 Film


July 23 – RULK ON TV! Marvel announces new animated series “Hulk and the Agents of S.M.A.S.H.”, featuring the Red Hulk!  




July 22 – RULK REVIEW : HULK Issue # 37. http://t.co/A7oQT8X
A general falls. A red monster rises. Stay tuned.  
Follow the RED HULK BLOG on Twitter @ RedHulkBlog 

GREEN HULK : Marvel’s Kevin Feige describes Hulk in AVENGERS Film

Hulk Concept Art for AVENGERS 2012 FilmThe Los Angeles Times Hero Complex had an opportunity to briefly sit down with Marvel’s President Kevin Feige to discuss the look of the new Hulk in the upcoming 2012 film THE AVENGERS.  Here are those revealing details: 

GB:  Will we see anything substantially different in the visual realization of the Hulk? 

KF: Well, I don’t know about substantially different. It will be as different as ”The Incredible Hulk” was from Ang Lee’s “Hulk” in terms of its look and design, but it is Hulk. The image we released on the last day of Comic-Con — which got a tremendous amount of attention and I was very pleased about — is a very good representation of what he’s going to look like. Hulk is Hulk. We’re not going to reinvent the wheel. 

GB: How big will he be? That’s been a major variable through the years in the comics and the two films as well. 

KF: He’ll be about the same size he was in “The Incredible Hulk” [which was about 9 feet tall] or maybe a little bit smaller. His muscles won’t be quite as cut. We figure he’s been the Hulk now for a few years and [his physique is changing]. He’s not as cut or as ripped as he was in “The Incredible Hulk.” The most important thing is that face. As you can already see in that concept painting, it is — more than any Hulk that’s ever been done in live action — a Hulk that let’s you see the actor in there. You will be able to see Ruffalo in there. That was a big revelation for us. It’s just a concept painting, but in that you can see the [influence of Marvel Comics pioneer and original Hulk artist Jack] Kirby, as people have already pointed out, but also, and equally important in this case, Ruffalo’s eyes and his cheek structure. It is him.


GB: That sounds like a very different philosophy than the approach you took on Louis Letterrier’s movie. 

KF: It is. It was something we actively avoided before. Hulk was Hulk, he’s not any one actor and Hulk should look like Hulk. It was  like Iron Man’s armor, in a way, it wouldn’t change depending on the actor wearing it. But we’ve taken a different approach because Hulk is Banner and, frankly, we came to question our approach. Why are we not doing it this way?  So we did a few designs that put Ruffalo into it, and we immediately saw how much more you feel for the creature. When you keep that connection going between Banner and the Hulk and you have characters around him trying to reach Banner inside — “Bruce, calm down,” and all of that classic Hulk stuff — it means more if you see the same actor throughout. I think before it was something we thought might look silly. We were nervous about getting it good enough [via visual effects] to work. Frankly, it was the same way we were nervous early on about making Steve Rogers skinny for “Captain America.” Is this going to look disturbing? Is this going to look silly? In the end, we got that one right. We’re going to get this one right.
Article Link : http://herocomplex.latimes.com/2011/07/27/the-avengers-and-the-hulk-kevin-feige-explains-a-new-approach/ 
A general falls. A red monster rises. Stay tuned.  
Follow the RED HULK BLOG on Twitter @ RedHulkBlog 

GREEN HULK : Hulk NUDE in Avengers? So says Poster and Mark Ruffalo

Please tell me this is not happening.  When high resolution pictures hit of the first promotional poster for Marvel’s upcoming Avengers film (on display at the 2011 Licensing International Expo) the latest version of our favorite green giant appeared nude.  Hulk’s pants were no where to be found.  His privates were thankfully hidden by a well placed red cape worn by Thor.  Take a good look… 

AVENGERS Hulk is Nude?

AVENGERS Hulk is Nude?

Now we have a tweet today from none other than Mark Ruffalo, the new Bruce Banner featured in Marvel’s upcoming Avengers film.  This is what he had to say: 


Mark Ruffalo Tweet

Mark Ruffalo Tweet

I’m speechless.  Maybe the Hulk losing his pants in a quick, well timed scene would work for a quick comedic moment, but a pantless Hulk is featured in the licensing poster too?  Are my eyes deceiving me?  I hope so… 

GREEN HULK : New AVENGERS Film Promotional Poster

This is great. A fan was able to take a picture of the first promotional poster for Marvel’s upcoming Avengers film at the Licensing International Expo, featuring all the assembled heroes and their new look.    

AVENGERS Licensing International Expo Poster

AVENGERS Licensing International Expo Poster

Focusing on the new Hulk, while he does appear similar to the look used in The Incredible Hulk film starring Edward Norton, there are some noticeable changes.  The Avengers Hulk appears to have more bulk and muscles then previously visualized. His hair is a little bit shorter now and his facial features look a lot more like the new Bruce Banner actor Mark Ruffalo. Of course this is conceptual art of a cgi character, not a new costume already decided upon and being used in filming as we speak, so ultimately any or all of the Hulk’s features can easily be changed in post-production… so we’ll have to wait and see.


GREEN HULK : Unreleased Posters of ‘The Incredible Hulk’ Film

While I love the film, I for one have never been satisfied with the final domestic poster for ‘The Incredible Hulk’.  I can appreciate the concept of featuring the iconic image of Bruce Banner as the lonely man wandering the streets alone in the shadow of the lurking hulk, but the final poster design felt uninspired in trying to capture that emotional angle.  Maybe if the Hulk didn’t have his back turned to Banner and rather hovered over him more menacingly, teeth clenched, fingers extended like the true monster Banner can’t escape…. versus looking like muscled linebacker striking a pose, showing off his deltoids.  It’s no wonder why they changed the artwork for the DVD release.  


Official Poster of The Incredible Hulk

Official Poster of The Incredible Hulk

When these alternate, unreleased ‘The Incredible Hulk’ posters became public (which were in the running but fell short of becoming the official one-sheet ) many Hulk fans preferred these posters to the final poster.  

Unofficial Poster A

Unofficial Poster A
Unofficial Poster B

Unofficial Poster B
Unofficial Poster C

Unofficial Poster C
Unofficial Poster D

Unofficial Poster D
Unofficial Poster E

Unofficial Poster E

Falling short of the success of Marvel’s Iron Man released a month prior, could a better poster have swayed more of the undecided movie going public to buy a ticket for ‘The Incredible Hulk’?  Maybe… but I doubt the impact would have been great enough to greenlight a sequel we so much desire. 
For the record, I prefer Poster ‘B’. 

 A general falls. A red monster rises. Stay tuned.