A general falls. A red monster rises. Stay tuned.

Jeff Parker

RULK REPORT : Marvel’s “Hulk Week” presents Q & A with writer Jeff Parker!


In celebration of The Incredible Hulk’s 50th Anniversary (as well as General Ross’s), Marvel is launching a “Hulk Week” string of interviews featuring creators involved with the smashing goliath.  Today Marvel’s Tim Stevens interviews acclaimed Red Hulk writer Jeff Parker (found HERE)!

Without further ado, here is the interview:

Marvel.com: The Hulk is celebrating his 50th birthday this year. Can you recall your first exposure to the character?

Jeff Parker: Hulk just seemed to be always there. Kids can relate to him easily, that wanting to lash out and affect everything around them. I think that’s still how we relate to him years later.

Marvel.com: Looking back over the years, do you have a favorite era or incarnation of the Hulk?

Jeff Parker: I like early Hulk, when he’s a bit sinister and you don’t get the idea he’s dumb, he’s just being quiet deliberately.

Marvel.com: Do you draw on any depiction or characterization of The Hulk and General Ross for your work?

Jeff Parker: Yes, that early Hulk I just mentioned. That seems a good intersection point for the two men. Thinking and angry!

Marvel.com: How do you view Ross’s place in the Hulk’s history?

Jeff Parker: Ross still doesn’t like Banner; they just aren’t the kind of people who would ever be friends. But he definitely understands him as The Hulk now that he’s been living through the situation. He always thought that incredible power would be the key to control, but it’s very far from it.

Marvel.com: Looking specifically at your book, you are in the midst of the “Mayan Rule” arc. What does anyone looking to pick up the book right now need to know to be able to jump right in?

Jeff Parker: You need to know that longtime Hulk pal Rick Jones was turned into A-Bomb, the next incarnation of The Abomination, and that these Mayan figures tricked him into releasing them from an underground prison. You also might want to know that Alpha Flight are Canadian [heroes], but you don’t need much more background than that.

Marvel.com: How do you see this arc, and your run to date, changing Ross? What kind of personal evolution, if any, is he going through?

Jeff Parker: He always saw himself as the front line for humanity, keeping back the freaks and super weirdoes. And now he’s starting to see himself as one of them, even if he can’t get along with many of his fellow powered folk.

Marvel.com: If, somehow, the Red Hulk survives “Mayan Rule” where are you hoping to take him next?

Jeff Parker: Classified!

RULK REVIEW : HULK Issue # 53 by talents Jeff Parker and Dale Eaglesham!

Rick Jones is always getting into trouble.  The same young man who was responsible for unleashing the world-breaking Incredible Hulk upon the Earth (and paving the way for the genesis of every Hulk currently in existence) is now responsible for freeing some evil, dormant Mayan Gods who might just bring our age to a burning apocalypse… or some other fate equivalent in nastiness.  Yes, someone at S.H.I.E.L.D. should strongly consider locking this Jones boy up and throwing away the key!  Yet along with the Red Hulk, Machine Man and the Alpha Flight team, Rick (transformed into A-Bomb) instead tries to remedy the fate befalling us due to his ineptitude… and put a stop to the Mayan doom he brought upon the world.

Writer Jeff Parker sets up an interesting story-arc in HULK Issue # 53 “Mayan Rule, Part One: Bloodletting“.  Taking advantage of the timely concerns held by some that the end of the world is coming based on the Mayan calendar, Parker craftily strikes while the iron is hot when public awareness is at its peak (regarding this real world upcoming Mayan cataclysmic event.)  Chock full of magic, bloodletting, human sacrifices, mystical mind control and a heaping load of superheroes, there is plenty of excitement to be had… which reads more like a Marvel “The Next Big Thing” Event (than a character book that focuses on the chronicles of the Red Hulk.)

Yet there in lies one of this issue’s problems.  Ross and his red alter ego takes a major backseat to the events and the characters that surround him.  Replacing the main Hulk logo with an “Alpha Flight” title might even seem more applicable here.  And while Jeff Parker remains the ultimate weaver of well constructed stories, the way the events leading into this issue’s present day can be uncharacteristically confusing.  In this order… the story contains a flashback, followed by a later flashback, followed by the A-Bomb in real time describing too briefly the events that occurred prior to both flashbacks… all based on an old A-Bomb backup story one may have trouble recalling told back in HULK Issue # 31.  You won’t be alone if you find yourself skipping back a few panels asking yourself “what did I just read?”

Artist Dale Eaglesham is quite a talent. While he seems to alternate back and forth from a properly drawn Rulk (one without eyebrows) to a Red Hulk with scraggily gray hairs above his eyes, the powerful frame he gives the crimson beast is quite delightful and imposing. Dale also gives the Red Hulk a military cut of hair that really suits the Ross alter ego, and looks extremely sharp.

Dale Eaglesham definitely seems to be born to draw Alpha Flight. The way Dale draws these underappreciated characters is outstanding, and he may just well hold the prestigious honor of drawing the best Sasquatch and Puck to ever grace a comic book page. And who could not love the double page splash of this team, accompanied by the Rulk and crew as they ascend upon the mysterious new Canadian Mayan temple?

The unique borders Eaglesham adorns around various panels of this book is spectacular.  They resemble Mayan aged-old hieroglyphics which demand recognition for its sheer creativity, as well as the fascinating cover for this issue.

Sadly however, in an unfortunate move, the solicitation trumpeting the next installment’s cover (issue # 54 hitting stands in two weeks) prematurely revealed this issue’s shocking ending, ultimately dulling the blow of Jeff Parker’s otherwise dramatic and climactic punch.

3.5 out of 5 Stars

A general falls. A red monster rises. Stay tuned.
Follow the RED HULK BLOG on Twitter @ RedHulkBlog

RULK PREVIEW : HULK Issue # 53 by Jeff Parker and Dale Eaglesham!

RULK REVIEW : HULK Issue # 52 by Jeff Parker and Carlo Pagulayan

WARNING : There is a MAJOR SPOILER in this review, so stop right here if you’ve yet to read this outstanding issue.  Get your @#$ to the comic book store now, enjoy all the goodness that is Jeff Parker’s HULK and we’ll wait for you here!  Now, without further ado…

In this oh so enjoyable issue of HULK #52 “I  am Legion“, the Red Hulk takes on the final lap of his quest to rid himself of the evil apparition that has latched onto him ever since the events of Circle Of Four.  After successfully ridding himself of the “haunts” that were unleashed upon him in the last issue, Dr. Strange now leads the Rulk through a subterranean network called Monster Metropolis to find the underground lab run by the Legion of Monsters, a team of creatures that do their best to enforce law in the monster world.  With the help of some “strange” enchantments, a key member of the Legion may be able to trap the menacing apparition that wants Ross dead… and even identify it.  And once its identity is revealed, Dr. Strange is confident the excavation of this menacing spirit will be elementary, finally relieving Ross of his supernatural burden.

Writer Jeff Parker crafts a simply wonderful conclusion to his “Haunted Hulk” storyline, an issue that gratifyingly has it all.  The opening is all action, where Parker throws monster upon goulishly delicious monster at the Rulk… and at the Legion’s Manphibian and Werewolf who quickly come to the Red Hulk’s aid when the situation starts looking bleak.  Much like how L.M.D.s and androids appeal to Thad’s cold and efficient human side, it’s terrific how Ross relates to the Legion team with his alternate monstrous side.. leaving only interaction with humans and their super powered freaks as undesirables.  Parker also recognizes that Ross is the ultimate comedic straight man, a fact that Jeff exploits wonderfully thanks to some sadistic humor by Manphibian which results in a more than hilarious payoff.  It begs you to wonder how many other writers in comics can actually make you laugh out loud like this?

We’ll get to the satisfying conclusion momentarily, but the amazing “wow factor” spurred on by the numerous wonderful beasts that artist Carlo Pagulayan creates reaches a heavenly critical mass in this issue.  His genius talent of bringing such glorious monsters to life almost has me convinced these ghoulish creatures actually live in Pagulayan’s basement, only to pose for the mighty Carlo for panels in this very arc!  They’re all so brilliant, as well as Pagulayan’s rendition of the Red Hulk (that already has garnered tons of praise.)  His Legion of Monsters is superb too, proving when Carlo is drawing various monstrosities… look out… because this talent is really in his element!  Now while some of the color choices are odd and confusing (a green colored hand that appears to be Manphibian’s swipes at the throat of a banshee… yet reveals to be the Werewolf’s) Val Staples hits more than he misses.  These monsters are colored beautifully.

The conclusion of this issue finally reveals the long awaited identity of the ghost that has plagued the Red Hulk for so long, with absolutely thrilling results. Shockingly… the spectre is revealed as no one other than… Dark Samson, the evil alter ego of Dr. Leonard Samson!

The big reveal brought a level of anticipation and excitement to the read that has been rarely matched in comics today. And the fascinating nature of Dark Samson’s return asks more questions than it answers, a testament to writer Jeff Parker’s craft.  What are we suggesting here when a shadow of Samson’s evil alter ego (that should have passed on with his spirit) was actually capable of latching on to traces of gamma radiation left by Rulk’s brief visit to the underworld, allowing him to begin reconstituting himself?  Could all gamma beings have this capability, a chance at immortality?  Does it only apply to gamma beings who haven’t passed on peacefully?  Why couldn’t the gamma infused Abomination attempt the same feat, or did the essence of Dark Samson simply get to the traces of gamma radiation first?  Enquiring fans want to know, and will be debating the implications for years to come.

Jeff Parker’s magnificent decision to return the dead Leonard Samson into the fray (as well as the method behind the evil doctor’s resurrection) is drenched in brilliance.  Issues like this reveal Parker at his best: A story telling mastermind… especially when his tales draw from the distant echoes of the past.  Much like re-exploring the mental reconnection between Ross and Zzaxx to the repercussions of assaulting a Watcher, when Parker weaves in threads of the Red Hulk’s past into today’s storied tapestry, Jeff reaches a new level of awe, excitement and fascination.  It pours the reader a glass full of comic wonder… and craftily reminds us why we loved comics in the first place.

5 out of 5 Stars 

A general falls. A red monster rises. Stay tuned.  
Follow the RED HULK BLOG on Twitter @ RedHulkBlog 


In HULK Issue # 51 “Haunted Hulk Part Two : The Blood Curse of the Forgiven”, the Red Hulk has embarked on a quest that has taken him deep into the Pyrenees Mountains of Catalonia, searching for the redeeming body of water called the Penance Pool.  According to one of the mystic texts obtained by Dr. Strange, legends dictate that this pool is a form of holy water, with magical properties that can cleanse the former General of the onslaught of apparitions that have been haunting him as of late.  Of course, the mysterious shadowy figure that unleashed these ghosts upon the Rulk knows this baptism suggested by Dr. Strange will work most effectively to stop the dead from attacking… so through deception convinces a team of the living (or rather undead) to dispatch and make sure the Red Hulk never reaches the pool alive.

Like its predecessor, Part Two of writer Jeff Parker’s supernatural tale is a pretty enjoyable ride.  The army of haunting apparitions of numerous fallen soldiers along with the villain Abomination all return, now accompanied by the fallen ex-Colonel William Krugauer (a death he tried to avenge in the “Hulk of Arabia” story-arc).  The dead continue their goal to try to penetrate the impenetrable psyche of Thaddeus “Thunderbolt” Ross.  Albeit less horrific than the previous issue, their ghostly words are penetrating, and resonates deeply when they finally threaten to haunt his daughter Betty as well. 

Will Krugauer Returns! 

Yet unlike its predecessor, this issue’s installment digests with an underlining flavor of being somewhat insubstantial to the pressing story at hand.  Dr. Strange is still in the United States, working feverishly with an unnamed assistant for a cure to the Red Hulk’s plight (or at least to uncover the identity of the shadow that severely has it out for Ross) and Strange already has proven in the last issue he has the power to keep the dead “haunts” away from the crimson giant in the good doctor’s proximity.  Yet Dr. Strange strangely sends the Rulk out of his protection anyway to a legendary (possible fictitious) pool that may or may not drive the spirits away.  What will not be resolved by this quest however is the reveal nor the ability to conquer the evil entity that unleashed the vengeful spirits on the Rulk in the first place.  It all slightly feels like a forced plot device to simply make room for an appearance of the vampire reborn clan The Forgiven, which all becomes mildly distracting.

And Jeff Parker’s coolest creation, a monstrous guard that protects the Penance Pool (summoned into action by an eerie screaming skull) was delightfully grotesque and chilling, yet unfortunately appears only briefly.  And its gruesome battle with the Red Hulk (resulting with one of its heads ripped off) was only left to our imagination.   This battle unfulfilled feels like it would have been much more rewarding to witness than the sparring we were served featuring a street gang like of renegade vampires (that  found their redemption in the very same pool.)  However frustrating, Jeff Parker’s writing is still sharp and leaves you looking forward to the next installment.

The next panel we see featuring this awesome creature, it unfortunately has been long since dead.

Artist Carlo Pagulayan, the talent who also superbly drew the Planet Red Hulk story-arc, continues to impress.  His rendition of the Red Hulk is pure genius, not merely for the sheer massive, raw and powerful frame (which showcases maybe Carlo’s greatest gift), but for his uncanny ability to give the red hot monster such a recognizable look facially, which is unique to every other character in the Marvel Universe.  And when the Rulk is in the heat of battle, Pagulayan’s art explodes with all the crushing dynamic one could hope for in a book like this, with panel layouts incredibly easy for the eyes to follow.  And whether grabbing his chin after the Rulk is slugged with a weapon or reacting to the ridiculous offer the vampires make in their half-assed apology, the poses Carlo draws makes Jeff Parker’s sharp Red Hulk dialogue even that much more impactful… as only great artists can do.

It will take much more than ‘The Forgiven’ to bring this Rulk down!

The grotesque guard monstrosity was amazingly realized, drawn beautiful yet horrific… leaving me even more disappointed we saw such little of it.  And Val Staples did a decent job coloring it, but the pallet (especially the chronic pink skies) felt like a disservice to the “Haunted” tone Parker established and was trying to maintain.  The cover however was pure brilliance by all talents involved.  Simply stunning, and one of the best we have seen in a while.  Outstanding!

3 out of 5 Stars 

A general falls. A red monster rises. Stay tuned.  
Follow the RED HULK BLOG on Twitter @ RedHulkBlog 

RULK REVIEW : HULK Issue # 50 by talents Jeff Parker and Carlo Pagulayan!


This is truly an achievement.  When a comic title reaches a 50 issue milestone it is a really big deal.  For over the past twelve months we have seen plenty of casualties in Marvel comics, where other well known title properties struggled to find an audience and ultimately (and rapidly) were met with cancellation.  Alpha Flight was cancelled after 8 issues.  Moon Knight survived only 12. Ghost Rider was axed after 8.  So it is quite an accomplishment for a new character… a Red Hulk title… in a marketplace where even the famous Green Hulk historically struggles with readership longevity to begin with… has flourished, reached and will certainly surpass the 50 issue benchmark.  It’s even more astonishing when one reflects upon the protagonist of this comic is actually a 50-something gray-haired stubborn, arrogant ex-military man who has embraced and cherished the right to bear arms more lovingly than his own flesh and blood.  There is simply no one else like General Ross in comics today, which makes this success a direct testament to the great character Thaddeus “Thunderbolt” Ross himself as much as the great writer Jeff Parker who expertly channels him time and time again.  So once again, this is truly a great achievement… and a medal of legitimacy and success that Red Hulk fans can wear proudly.

Packed with an interview “Catching up with Jeff Parker”, a Red Hulk timeline, a Rogues gallery, a reading chronology and “The Objective” bonus story written by Parker and illustrated by the talented Dan Brereton that fleshes out Ross’s road to the rank of General, the 50th issue of HULK is a stellar book even without the meat and potatoes headliner storyline.  But in the excellent feature story “Haunted Hulk Part One“, the Red Hulk has come to the home of Dr. Strange in dire need of assistance for a problem that is supernatural in nature. It appears after the events of Las Vegas being totally overcome by Hell itself (see the VENOM “Circle Of Four” story arc), some sort of apparition has latched on to Ross and wants to see the Rulk’s demise by any means necessary. And if those means requires unleashing any dead vengeful soul that has died at the hands of Ross (directly or indirectly) so be it.  Will the Red Hulk be able to stop this retribution of the dead before they make him join the dead?

Writer Jeff Parker returns to stellar form in this celebratory issue, masterfully channeling the true essence of classic General Ross.  And how much more classic can you get than the Rulk muttering “I hate magic“… or in response to Dr. Strange’s induced misty seance in attempt to probe key memories from Ross’s mind, the Red Hulk remarks “I knew this would turn into some hippie smoke-up.”   Simply wonderful.

After perfectly setting up the father daughter reunion in the conclusion of issue 48, Jeff Parker also finally treats the readers to a slice of the Thad and Betty reconnection that fans have hungered for, yet was missing from the previous issue.  Parker shines the brightest at these quieter poignant moments, and the tender discussion about Betty’s inheritance of the old Ross family home struck all the right chords.  We can only hope, after shockingly finding out the L.M.D. Annie and Ross are now sleeping together (literally and assuming figuratively), that Parker explores their relationship too and how it reached the next level.  Considering we never saw them even kiss, it would be fascinating to learn the details of their courtship.  It certainly must have been awkward, with Ross naturally struggling with the fact she is a L.M.D. and not human.   And can an L.M.D. feel sexual arousal, let alone love?  Enquiring minds want to know.

Even with all this Red Hulk goodness, the best part of this comic (especially for readers who have been there since Issue #1) was to see the 50th issue come completely full circle and mark the return of the Abomination in spirit form, taking the opportunity to seek revenge for his murder at the hands of the Rulk.  It’s one of those moments where you can feel the adrenaline shoot through your veins, and I only wish the battle (or more precisely torture) the transformed Emil Blonsky began dishing out could have lasted longer than a single page.  Alas, it’s a minor complaint… one that could be compared to wishing you had a little more whipped cream on top of your ice cream sundae, but it’s not enough to forget what a damn good sundae it is.

When it comes to the art, Carlo Pagulayan is a master at drawing both the Banner Hulk and the Red Hulk.  Pagulayan’s art is fantastic across the board, but his ability to capture the sheer power of the Hulks is simply amazing to behold and a true feast for the eyes.  And unlike many other talented artists before him that have drawn the red behemoth, Carlo Pagulayan actually draws the Rulk significantly different.  Not just drawing the Red Hulk trademark pupil-less eyes, the hairless brows and the spiked out hair (which is all important)… but readers can really see Thad’s age in Carlo’s Red Hulk rendition.  You see, facially, Pagulayan draws the Red Hulk tremendously different from the Green Hulk, so much so that you can view his art in black & white and still immediately recognize which Hulk you are looking at.  And who can ask for more than that?  Pagulayan puts so much care and integrity in his work and this character that it is simply a privilege to have him do art duties in this book.

It can not be stressed enough that Pagulayan  also draws a wonderful Red She Hulk… and the emotions he skillfully conveys when she looks back at Ross one more time before leaving him is as powerful as any balloon of dialogue could provide.  Bravo Carlo!

What a great time it is to be a Red Hulk fan!

4.5 out of 5 Stars 

A general falls. A red monster rises. Stay tuned.  
Follow the RED HULK BLOG on Twitter @ RedHulkBlog 


RULK PREVIEW : HULK Issue 50 by Jeff Parker and Carlo Pagulayan!

Courtesy of Newsarama.com

RULK EXCLUSIVE : RED HULK BLOG Fan Interview with acclaimed Marvel HULK writer Jeff Parker!

In joyful celebration of the landmark 50th issue of writer Jeff Parker’s critically acclaimed HULK Comic, superstar Jeff Parker graciously and enthusiastically agreed to answer questions from the people who count the most: the loyal fans!

So many terrific questions were asked. Only a handful were selected. But a big “thanks” goes out to all the fans for their outstanding participation!

Now without further ado, we’re proud to present the first Red Hulk Blog fan interview:

Jeff, thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule. Our first question comes from Shutterbug who would like to know how you got started in your craft:


“Hello Jeff, I would like to know what inspired you to be a writer and what was your first big break?”

I’ve made comics and cartoons since I could hold a pencil (though those early ones are a little rough) and I think I always wanted to tell stories. I was accepted as an artist first, I used to show samples of my pages at every comics show I could attend, and artist Bo Hampton, who I assisted sometimes, helped get me an assignment on a Vampirella story at Harris Publications years ago. I drew it and he inked it, and it was my first paying work though it never turned up in print.

Published Vampirella by Jeff Parker

I kept sending samples everywhere and eventually landed a couple of fill-ins on Wonder Woman, and then regular work on Solitaire for Malibu Comics. Editors at Malibu also started buying my writing, but before any of those stories were printed, Marvel bought the company and shut it down! It was years later after I self-published my Interman graphic novel that people started asking me to write for them. In short, it can take over a decade or more to ‘break in.’

The Interman by Jeff Parker


Next we have Mirko who wants to know how you got involved with the Hulk universe and what was it like to tackle the new Red Hulk character:


“Did you seek out the assignment for HULK or was it Marvel? How did you feel about writing a character that started out [what some felt as a mere] copy? How did you tackle the tasks of making him interesting? Keep it on! YeAHaw!”

Editor Mark Paniccia asked me to write a story for MONSTER-SIZED HULK #1 which teamed me for the first time with Gabriel Hardman. After that I would often pinch hit for Hulk stories when they needed more material, and then I got more involved during the World War Hulks books. That led to me coming on after Loeb and McGuinness finished their run, and then appropriately, Hardman came on with me.

Monster-Size Hulk #1

The World War Hulks books were good for letting me get my feet wet with Red Hulk, so by the time I came on as writer, I had plenty of ideas about him. I liked approaching it more from the angle of a retired military man who still wants to serve and tries to figure out how in a world that’s new to him. Because that’s a real situation that happens every day- except for the gamma strength, of course.

 Both Kallark and Madden4Life would like to know more about the Red Hulk’s powers and the motivations behind changing them:


“Hi Jeff, your run is very, very good and I literally loved it. The problem with your RULK is his weakness when compared to Loeb’s Red Hulk. Why? “


“Yea why weaken Red Hulk? Why is there no heat or fire in his mouth anymore? Do you plan on exploring new powers like heat damage?”

Well, it’s a problem if you want him to be always stronger than everybody else, which I don’t think makes a character interesting. I established that his power-stealing was burning out his Ross side so he would abandon it (and eventually lose it fighting Omegex) – because he doesn’t want to lose his humanity.

Red Hulk risks it all to save General Fortean

We’ve already got a Hulk who wins by getting madder and stronger, I like the idea of a Hulk who has to use his head too, and that’s what makes Ross/Red intriguing to me.

 Then we have the extremely enthusiastic Time2Time who would ultimately like to know about your methods of continuity research:


“Jeff you red blooded talented crazy bastard!! You actually made me a fan of the Red Hulk over the Green one!!! That is insane!!! Now listen to me!! “Fall of the Hulks Alpha” is one of the best comics ever written. All that tinkering you did with Marvel Universe continuity was ballsy but genius!!! Intelligencia attracted the Beyonder to earth??? Ballsy!!! They were behind what Venom is today??? Ballsy!!! Wow!!! So how do you do it?? Your research!! Is it all reading??? Have you read and taken notes on hundreds of comics??? Is there some Marvel superhero continuity computer that is available to the writers??? How do you do it!! Never leave the Rulk Jeff!!! We love you and your work!!!”

First off, you are the best questioner ever. Next, thanks for talking about that, I felt like we got some cool things out of the Intelligencia story. I especially like putting out the idea that they helped with most of the fantastic escapes and returns of other criminals who appeared dead, and that the ancient Wakandans summoned the vibranium to Earth. I’m actually not that great with continuity- I often resort to the internet and nerd friends when I really need to make something line up. But you may notice I don’t always worry that hard about it- I don’t think we should have to refer to an keep referencing details from some story of thirty years ago, it’s not a good way to get new readers. Thanks T2T!

Fall of the Hulks : ALPHA


Zombie-Wolf is curious about an open-ended story thread involving the beautiful warrior from the future, Thundra:


“One question I’ve always wanted to know was if there’s ever going to be a return of Thundra to the Red Hulk continuum. She kisses him back in World War Hulks, so what’s not to say she plays genetics again like in the case with Lyra?”

I’ve had some notions about other Thundra appearances. I thought it was cool that she made a bit of a comeback in all those Hulk issues, she’s a cool character. Lyra is coming up soon though!

“I’ve had some notions about other Thundra appearances” – Jeff Parker


 Now we have Warren B. who wants to know if Ross will ever fully redeem himself… and how much do other titles featuring the Red Hulk [“Avengers” for instance] influence the direction you take with future stories:

Warren B.

“Hello Mr. Parker, Aside from your own writing in the main Hulk title, there seems to be few thoughts about the fallout of Red Hulk’s previous rampages. Other than [large] events like Fear Itself and Circle of Four… does the character’s use and treatment in other titles affect your plans and directions? [Also] is Ross anywhere close to ‘paying his dues’ in your eyes, to the Marvel U in general and specific characters? He took his licks in Scorched Earth, but do you think any other heroes still bear grudges, and should they?”

Maybe when the public weighs it against the years of classic Hulk rampages, they don’t notice so much? In other team books there’s just limited space and time to focus on individual characters’ situations, so we cover all that in the solo book.  Nothing in Avengers has ever seemed to interrupt something I wanted to do or show….

The Red Hulk joined the Earth’s Mightiest Heroes in AVENGERS # 7

I did have to work around and deal with the fact that Red fought The HammerThing in Fear Itself, but once I realized it was a chance to show what M.O.D.O.K. and other villains do during a big invasion they’re not part of, it was a great opportunity. I think the other heroes are more accepting of him but still don’t want to interact with him any more than they have to.

 Finally, Matt would love to know which HULK comic is your personal favorite:


“Hi Jeff. If you had to pick one issue of Hulk you are most proud of which would it be [and why]?

Probably #41. It achieved a lot of things I wanted, though really I should say that whole Omegex three-parter since it’s one story. I was happy to finally show that The Watcher had a plan all along, and that Annie used her brain to save Red with the help of Zero/One. And all of the Ross childhood stuff was so perfectly brought to life by Gabe Hardman, I just couldn’t have asked for better. This was the story where I wanted us to go back and see who Ross was before he was the old crank obsessed with Hulk, and really connect to him. And from reader reaction I got, I think it worked.

You can read our review of HULK # 41 HERE


 Do you have anything else you would like to close with, a message directly to your fans?

Thank you all for following us deeper into the world of Big Red. There are some big battles coming this year and old friends returning, so 2012 is going to be a blast. But mainly, thank you again!



We would like to thank Jeff Parker again for taking the time to answer our questions. In addition to his outstanding Red HULK series, be sure to follow Jeff Parker’s critically acclaimed Marvel THUNDERBOLTS (now DARK AVENGERS) title as well as his regularly updated website at www.parkerspace.com  !


“The road to hell is paved with good intentions” – Saint Bernard of Clairvaux

 The god like powerful Eternals have been watching us since the beginning.  Self-declared custodians of Earth, they have monitored humanity with a protective eye for thousands of years yet would rarely interact with humans except for times when the Deviants (the Eternal’s evil counterpart) surfaced with their threatening ways.  However, after witnessing The Incredible Hulk time and time again leave a horrific path of utter devastation and destruction in his wake (regardless of the quality of the monster’s heart or intentions)…. and the multiple new Hulks that have now appeared as of late… the Eternals now feel strongly unsettled.  These gamma charged beasts of carnage are very similar to the Deviants they have sworn to destroy in the name of preserving humanity.  And their numbers are growing.  Should they step out from behind their hidden veil of secrecy and intervene?

Like with Machine Man, in Hulk Issue # 49 “The Incident” the ever gifted Jeff Parker once again displays his talent of successfully resurrecting underutilized characters of the Marvel Universe and delights readers with their return… this time being The Eternals.  Parker creates an intriguing premise that explores how these god like entities struggle with the growing “strongest there is” population and how they should react to them, all within the prism of the Hulks ultimately do more harm than good to humanity.

Unfortunately, while the premise is great, it’s the execution that suffers.  While it could have been a terrific opening to a four or five issue story-arc resulting in an all-out Eternal versus Hulk war, the way this story unfolded feels somewhat incomplete and underperforms as a one-shot, ending with a splintered finish considering the next issue begins an entirely new “Haunted Hulk” story-arc.  Plus, based on the conclusion of the previous issue ending with a reunion between father and daughter, it’s highly probable that many readers were expecting Betty to have a presence in this story, with a chance for Ross to sit down with his daughter and discuss the impact of their new crimson alter egos in their lives.  The potential to relish in some intense character development was great, and would have likely been better suited for a filler issue between arcs such as this.  Instead, we are left with no clue what happened to Betty and why she was desperately trying to seek out her father.  It all feels like a missed opportunity and a gentle reminder that all issues can’t be winners… even with Jeff Parker as the writer.

While issue 48 remains her best work to date, artist Elena Casagrande delivers a mostly pleasing and unique art experience yet again.  While the Red Hulk’s facial appearance seems to change from issue to issue, I can’t help but adore her aquatic beasts and the fluid way she draws a Red Hulk struggling with those menacing monsters and their tentacles.  Those panels are full of enjoyment.  And with the Eternals, Elena does a solid job, with her drawing of Zuras being the best out of the bunch.

2.5 out of 5 Stars

-A.J. A general falls. A red monster rises. Stay tuned.

Follow the RED HULK BLOG on Twitter @ RedHulkBlog


Jacob once had a dream… a dream now replaced with a living nightmare.

The horribly burned and disfigured Jacob, assistant to the formerly brilliant and beautiful project leader Parul Kurinji, once fantasized spending a romantic life with Parul.  But in the fantastic, action-packed HULK Issue # 48, Jacob never could have imagined the macabre reality that would come to pass, ever since Parul changed into the threat to humanity known as Zero/One.  Her creations… twisted acts against nature like horrific aquatic beasts, reanimated corpses and a juiced serial killer… were all manifested to extinguish lives for the woman he once loved.  It had to stop before it was too late.  So Jacob risks everything to bring Ross and his team the data needed to finally stop Zero/One.

Writer Jeff Parker continues to be on fire, this time delivering a spectacular thrill ride in Part Two of the  “Red Sky At Morning” story-arc .  In contrast to the final confrontation of the “Hulk of Arabia” climax between the Red Hulk and Dagan Shah that left a feeling of unquenched satisfaction, Rulk’s pulse pounding assault on Zero/One’s base (with the help of the Red She Hulk and Machine Man) ends with such gratifying results that it feels like the battle has been won… regardless if one eye must still remain perpetually fixed on the war.

Zero/One’s demise would have not been possible without the efforts of Jacob.  Her reluctant and terrified assistant that has seen enough horror to push him into the fray of insanity, became not just a victim… but a savior… quite possibly for the entire human race.  And Parker fleshes out his ironic circumstance so masterfully, it feels deeply tragic when it becomes evident that Jacob may never be able to escape the devastating fate that has befallen him.  Ever.

While it would have been icing on Parker’s oh so delicious cake to witness the Red Hulk’s thunderous blows successfully sink the synthetic island of vessels down to the ocean floor… as well as relish in Zero/One’s betrayer not holding back and watching him actually stick it to her… this hearty dish was simply a feast for the senses and concludes Jeff Parker’s most gratifying story-arc yet!

 With the artistic talents of Elena Casagrande and Rachelle Rosenberg on the job, there is some serious Girl Power in this issue, which is fitting for a story filled with such powerful women.  Where the drawing is concerned, it seems the work and ability to dazzle the readers by the best Zero/One artist hands down Elena Casagrande increases with every panel.  From her eye catching unique aquatic beasts to her downright impressive sinister Black Fog, and her uncanny ability to draw a natural female form to a robust Red Hulk that keeps on getting better and better, Casagrande’s delightful imagery has developed into a wonderful unique style.

 Now with coloring, unfortunately a colorist can sometimes have a thankless job.  But if anyone is deserving recognition in this department it’s the beautiful work by Rachelle Rosenberg.  Talking about it doesn’t do it justice. Let’s let some of her wonderful brilliance in coloring speak for itself. Take a look:


I would love to see this creative team work full time together.  This is an excellent, excellent comic.

5 out of 5 Stars 

A general falls. A red monster rises. Stay tuned.
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RULK EXCLUSIVE : Acclaimed Hulk Writer JEFF PARKER Answers YOUR Questions!

Writer Jeff Parker answers YOUR Questions!

In joyful celebration of the landmark 50th issue of writer Jeff Parker’s critically acclaimed HULK Comic, superstar Jeff Parker has graciously and enthusiastically agreed to answer questions from the people who count the most: the loyal fans!

Is there a question about Ross a.k.a the Red Hulk you have always been curious about?  Ask it here.  Do you have a question about Jeff Parker’s craft?  Ask it here.  In a couple weeks, the seven best questions will be selected and Jeff will answer them.  So think hard Rulk fans and make them count!

All questions must be submitted in the “Leave a Comment” section below.  Please feel free to refer yourself as anonymous if you so chose.

RULK REPORT : Red Hulk writer Jeff Parker talks HULK and “Circle Of Four”!


Celebrated Red Hulk writer Jeff Parker sat down with Marvel’s Chris Arrant to discuss the upcoming “Circle Of Four” event, writing the Red Hulk series, and the milestone 50th issue of the HULK.

Here are the highlights:

Marvel.com: HULK #50 hit stores in April, Jeff, so can you tell us what we can expect coming up?

Jeff Parker: Because he still answers to Steve Rogers’ requests, Red Hulk goes hunting Venom as an AWOL soldier, and gets pulled into battle with an enormous occult menace. This follows him out of the VENOM series as it kicks off a supernatural arc drawn by Carlo Pagulayan, who excels at the bizarre imagery such stories entail.

Marvel.com: We’ll be asking you about that VENOM arc, “Circle of Four,” in a bit, but right now I want to focus on the HULK, specifically Red Hulk. How has it been to define Red Hulk as a solo character and develop his cast of characters around him?

Jeff Parker: Really rewarding. He’s been running into/working with a lot of different heroes, but most don’t connect with him. Then comes Machine Man, who is methodical and all about the mission. That is the kind of thing Thad Ross really likes.

He also really likes Annie the Life Model Decoy from Gamma Base, though he seems completely baffled that he is entering into such a non-traditional relationship with a non-human. But he crossed a line in becoming a Hulk, the thing he hated most—so is it really that much bigger a step?

Marvel.com: Speaking of exploring new ground, I read that the Eternals show up soon. What can you say about that?

Jeff Parker: This year we’re going to be exploring the concept of gods in the Marvel Universe, and the idea that when you look at what man throughout history has considered a god, isn’t that what the modern super hero is?

The Eternals are strongly considering their place in humanity. They often decide that they shouldn’t interfere with us because they’re so powerful, but now there are lots of contenders to that level of power who interfere all the time. And haven’t the Eternals been here for ages; isn’t it their planet too? Shouldn’t they maybe step in and deal with these super people who seem to bring the world to the brink of destruction so often?

Main Eternals like Zuras and Ikarus point out the explosion in the super population and the especially worrying trend that there are suddenly more Hulks. And the first one, as a rule, has not always been the most stable of all-powerful creatures. So with this growing dei-paranoia, they approach Red Hulk, and you can imagine where things might go from there!


Marvel.com: One place I’d like to go from there with you is to talk about VENOM, which you mentioned earlier. You’re joining with GHOST RIDER writer Rob Williams and VENOM writer Rick Remender to tell a unique story-arc inside that crosses your characters as well as X-23. You’re doing VENOM #13.3, so what does your issue cover?

Jeff Parker: I’m part three, where things go really wrong!

Marvel.com: Exactly! Digging deeper however, this story takes place in Las Vegas. The Hulk has a long history with Las Vegas, but can you tell us how Red Hulk takes to the town? Jeff Parker: He doesn’t get much time to play the slots or meet dancehall girls; it’s mostly coming apart as soon as he gets there.

Marvel.com: How does the team dynamic work between Red Hulk, and Venom, X-23 and Ghost Rider? Jeff Parker: You know how some characters are put together and just click like a unit, a well-oiled machine? This isn’t that team. They make the most dysfunctional lineup of Masters of Evil look like the Fantastic Four.

Marvel.com: Speaking of the Fantastic Four, seeing this team together reminds me of a fun-house mirror version of the replacement Fantastic Four team with Hulk, Wolverine, Spider-Man and Ghost Rider. Was that intentional?

Jeff Parker: Oh yes! We even lucked up and got Walt Simonson to do a cover; everyone was thrilled when that came in. His original story was just so full of crazy energy and we wanted something that gave that same feel. I always loved when his Fantastic Four headed out to Monster Island and The Hulk took the pilot position instead of someone like Ghost Rider who you’d expect. I don’t know how many times I’ve read and re-read those issues.

Marvel.com: What’s it like to work in tandem with Rob Williams and Rick Remender to tell this story?

Jeff Parker: It’s like working with two other myselfs, if one had an English accent and the other a Tin Tin haircut. We’ve had such an easy time trading ideas and suggestions, it fools you into thinking writers teaming up is a good idea. I hope we get the chance to do it again.

Marvel.com: Artist Julian Totino Tedesco works with you on this issue, fresh from illustrating the covers to the upcoming SEASON ONE books. What do you think his particular skill set allow you to do with the story?

Jeff Parker: Julian is one of those artists who can draw anything, so the sky’s the limit. I lucked [out] big-time there. If you’re an artist, just looking at his pages will hit that nerve that makes you want to draw; you can just enjoy his lines.

To read the entire interview with Jeff, including his discussion regarding his THUNDERBOLTS Series, click on the link HERE !

RULK HONORS : Jeff Parker named among Best Comic Writers of 2011!

And the recognition just keeps on coming.

This past Thursday, acclaimed Red Hulk writer Jeff Parker was named by iFanboy as one of the Top 10 “Best Comic Writers of 2011”.  Honored at #7,  Parker is praised not only for his work on his outstanding HULK stories, but his writing for THUNDERBOLTS and the webcomic BUCKO. 

Here is the write up:

7. Jeff Parker

Jeff Parker made me care about comics I had no business caring about. My apathy on the Hulk knows no bounds, but Jeff Parker’s Hulk issues were jumping with gamma infused fun and imagination. Meanwhile over in Thunderbolts, Parker weathered the storms of crossover hell, and managed to make this supervillain-doing-good team even more fun than it was before. Somehow in the middle of that, he manages to keep doing the bizarre and twisted Bucko webcomic.

Click on the link to read the entire Top 10 : http://ifanboy.com/articles/ifanboys-best-of-2011-the-best-comic-writers-of-2011/


Where IS HE??  Come on out, old man!  I KNOW this is where you stay!  Come out and face ME!” – Red She Hulk

What a fantastic read.  In HULK Issue #47 “Red Sky at Morning“, the Life Model Decoys stationed at Gamma Base : Death Valley, Nevada pick up a signal that indicates there’s an incoming Hulk on his way back to base.  “About time!” Annie rejoices with almost giddy excitement. “Let’s go welcome back our Hulk” But as she surfaces to greet her incredibly missed, favorite Big Red guy, the Red She Hulk is the what she finds… demanding that her father shows his face… or else!

Writer Jeff Parker pens an outstanding reunion between the estranged father and daughter Ross, who haven’t seen each other since the events of “World War Hulks” one year ago.  It’s fascinating to see them interact while adjusting to their still relatively new transformations… something Thaddeus clearly has a better handle on.  And when the Red She Hulk violently runs from Ross (or rather runs from her emotions), it’s incredibly touching to watch her secretly return and hide near his presence… not in an eruption of battle… but seemingly compelled just to be close to her Dad.

Annie is charming as ever.  Between her excitement to welcome Ross home and her intuition and understanding of exactly what makes Ross happy is a pure delight.  From not forcing Ross to dwell on the “touchy-feely stuff” to allowing Ross to finally be the captain of the ship, it’s these little moments that somehow become the biggest… and shines a spotlight on how Jeff Parker is truly gifted at making these characters feel real, like flesh & blood.  He makes you care so much… and what is a better compliment than that?  Add the return of the refreshingly now more menacing Zero/One, her intriguing Lab 7, and what she is doing to every ship that crosses her path (which is so cool) and there’s no debate:  Jeff has outdone himself!

After reading this issue, who wouldn’t become an official fan of artist Elena Casagrande.  While previously impressive with her rendition of M.O.D.O.K. in her earlier contributions to HULK, her talents shine extremely bright in this issue.  Elena is extremely gifted in drawing women in a very natural way.  And she excels in facial expressions so well.. whether it’s anticipation, anger or joy.. you can tell what every character is feeling before reading a single word of dialogue.  Plus she is now the creator of my favorite rendition of Zero/One.  And after Patrick Zircher’s artistic run, Casagrande has returned the Red Hulk to his true form:  Eyebrow-less.



Finally, a special nod must be given to artist Carlo Pagulayan for his amazing cover of this issue.  It’s a stunning eye-catcher, that enjoyably incorporates the HULK logo into the scene’s action.  It may just be the best HULK cover yet!  Bravo!

Buy this Issue and read it at least twice!

5 out of 5 Stars 


A general falls. A red monster rises. Stay tuned.  

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RULK REPORT : CBR recommends HULK # 47 as a great jumping on point!

Not only did Comic Book Resources give the latest issue of Jeff Parker’s HULK a glowing review recently, but they also recommended HULK Issue # 47 as a great jumping on point!  Here are the highlights:

“This book is consistently a treat. Jeff Parker not only delivers fun, adventure-filled stories with believable characters, but he finds a voice for every character and, every single time, it’s the right voice. The string of issues that Parker has delivered is the longest I’ve read any Hulk title. While Parker has been crafting a continuous story all the way through that run, he’s accomplished enough to make every issue a decent spot for newer readers. This issue is more than simply a decent entry point: it’s the best spot since “Hulk” #42. The story is just going to continue to ramp up from here, so you may as well give it a go right now”

Click on the link to read the entire review : http://www.comicbookresources.com/?page=user_review&id=4330

A general falls. A red monster rises. Stay tuned.  
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RULK REPORT : Writer Jeff Parker discusses upcoming “Circle of Four” and HULK!

February 2012′s VENOM Issue # 13 will be the first chapter of the “Circle of Four” event, a special 6 part story arc featuring the Red Hulk, Johnny Blaze, Venom, Ghost Rider and X-23 as they struggle to save Las Vegas and the Earth from Mephisto and Blackheart.  It begins in VENOM # 13 and runs through issues 13.1, 13.2, 13.3, 13.4 and concludes in issue #14.  Newsarama had an opportunity to speak with Jeff Parker and discuss this event and what he has in store for HULK and beyond.

Here are the highlights:

Newsarama: Jeff, let’s start things out with clarifying how the division of labor works between you and the other writers in “Circle of Four.” From what I understand, you’re writing Venom #13.3, but it’s really a collaborative effort throughout between you, Rob Williams and Rick Remender, correct?

Jeff Parker: Since it falls under Venom, Rick is the ringleader. And one of his mandates is that Rob and I wear jumpsuits and bright boots while we work on this. I don’t quite follow his reasoning, but I feel Rick wouldn’t request that kind of thing lightly, so I just go with it.  And yes, it felt like we chipped in pretty evenly in this story! A lot of phone conferencing, a lot of give and take and no egos in the way.

Nrama: On that same note, what was it like working with Rick and Rob on “Circle of Four”? In what ways do you think your individual styles complement each other well in a story like this?

Parker: We all moved towards a common tone where our writing voices synched up, and that was the key, I think. I was a little surprised how well it all comes together; it doesn’t feel like multiple writers when you read it.

Nrama: You’re coming into “Circle of Four” as the writer of Hulk, so what can you tell us about the role Red Hulk plays in the story? It looks like he’s sort of the catalyst of the whole thing, with the story picking up with Captain America sending Red Hulk to hunt down Venom.

Parker: Yes, and on some level this is all about an AWOL soldier to him, which particularly sets him off.

Nrama: How do you characterize Red Hulk’s dynamic with the rest of the three main characters? They’re all characters we haven’t really seen him interact with yet, and the group isn’t exactly starting out as friends (and very possibly not leaving that way, either).

Parker: They’re maybe the last people in the world he would choose to be part of a team with. And he thinks he knows better — in some cases, he certainly does, but what makes a team is how they can work together. In this case it’s more what they bring out in each other — the worst of themselves.

Nrama: Obviously you’re deeply familiar with writing Red Hulk, but how did you like writing the other main characters of the story — X-23, Ghost Rider and Venom? Did you take a particular liking to any of the three?

Parker: Yes, they’re all interesting to voice. I credit the other writers though with that, everyone had nice solid character development to work from.

Nrama: The artist on your issue is Julian Totino Tedesco, who’s done a lot of covers for Marvels as of late. What’s he bringing to the issue, visually?

Parker: That guy is incredible. He brings very solid storytelling with one of those styles that make you want to sit down and draw, it looks so fun. He’s a real natural; I lucked out on this.

Nrama: Let’s take a quick look in the near future of Hulk proper. Looks like coming up we’ve got an appearance from Red She-Hulk and then — the Eternals. How big of an impact will the father/daughter reunion have on the series? And what brings the Eternals to Red Hulk’s world?

Parker: It’s been a while now since the Ross family have gotten together, and as you might expect, it happens with explosive results. But this core of family have been at the heart of the Hulk books for forty years, and you’ll see why.  As for the Eternals, it looks like they’re tired of watching the world almost end every year. For millennia they’ve felt they know what’s best for the world and have watched these “modern gods” start to multiply. They’ve tolerated that, but now that more Hulks are showing up, they’ve become a lot more concerned.


A general falls. A red monster rises. Stay tuned.  
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RULK HONORS : More accolades for Jeff Parker’s Red HULK !

Comic Book Resources released their annual complete list of the “TOP 100 COMICS OF 2011” yesterday recognizing Jeff Parker’s HULK as the 36th best comic of the year.  While 36th might not sound as prestigious at first glance, it certainly has weight when you consider the HULK was ranked against not only all the other Marvel Comics titles… but the massive catalogs of DC Comics, Image/Top Cow, Boom! Studios, Dark Horse, Oni Press, IDW, Fantagraphics and all the rest.  Here is the write up:

36. Hulk
Written by Jeff Parker
Drawn by Gabriel Hardman
Published by Marvel Comics

“Name another modern day superhero in which the writer works in a moment where the lead character expresses his admiration for George Washington, Ulysses S. Grant, Teddy Roosevelt and Dwight D. Eisenhower. Parker remains one of the strongest writers working at Marvel with the Hulk being his best runs to date.”

— Robot 6 Writer Tim O’Shea

A general falls. A red monster rises. Stay tuned.
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This is it.  This is the final battle between Red Hulk and the all-powerful Sultan Magus, ruler of the mysterious city of Sharzhad and the man indirectly responsible for the demise of ex-Colonel William Krueger.

When the confrontation begins, the Sultan clearly has the upper hand, empowered by being in close proximity to the alien technology that transformed him from the rebel Dagan Shah into the unstoppable titan of the Middle East.  But as the battle rages on, the Red Hulk eventually has his enemy on the ropes and is one breath away from putting Magus out of commission… permanently.  Then, suddenly, the magic carpet is pulled out from underneath him.

In HULK Issue # 46, writer Jeff Parker writes a frustratingly good conclusion to his “Hulk of Arabia” story-arc.  It’s satisfying to see the end of the Sultan’s rise of power within the Rulk’s grasp, yet frustrating that he can’t squeeze the life out of it, especially when it doesn’t require a fortune teller to foresee the city of Sharzhad will not stand quietly.. but will likely cause terror in one form or another for years to come.  But sometimes, things just don’t end clean and that’s reality… and Jeff Parker’s point.  At least readers get to relish in the devastating blow the Arabian Knight deals to the Sultan Magus, albeit brief.  Either way Parker does a bang up job here, and will make it that much more pleasureable when Red finally is able to pluck one of the thorns from his side (M.O.D.O.K., Zero/One, Black Fog, Sultan Magus) and be able to deliver that gratifying knockout punch.

It’s been such an enjoyable feast for the eyes ever since illustrator Patrick Zircher took over the art for this book.  Paired with the unique coloring of Rachelle Rosenberg , the realism Zircher puts in each and every character has been a grand dose of brilliance, perfectly matched with Parker’s very mature storyline.  As other artists take over the next few chapters of the HULK book, Zircher’s work will certainly be remembered by Red Hulk fans everywhere with the utmost delight… and as the best artist to grace this series’ pages since Ed McGuinness.

 Thanks Patrick.  Amazing work.

4 out of 5 Stars 

A general falls. A red monster rises. Stay tuned.  
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RULK REPORT : Writer Jeff Parker discusses the future of “HULK”!

Dave Richards, reporting staff writer of Comic Book Resources recently sat down with acclaimed writer Jeff Parker and discussed the future of the Red HULK comic series.  Here are some highlights:

CBR: Let’s move on to the story that begins in January’s “Hulk” #47. It looks like the central relationship in that story is between Ross and his daughter, the Red She-Hulk, Betty Banner. What’s it like writing these two characters together? And in terms of plot and themes what is that next story about?

PARKER: The two Red Hulks haven’t seen each other in some time, since the end of the “World War Hulks” storyline. Ross has been wanting to see his daughter again, and while he was in touch with Banner, all Bruce could do was throw up his hands and say, “I have no control over it.” But Betty is finally ready to reconnect with her dad — unfortunately it’s not Betty who shows up, but Red She-Hulk.

CBR: From the solicits it looks like Zero/One is the main villain for the Red Hulk & She-Hulk story. What made you want to pit her against the father/daughter pair?

PARKER: Ross needed to follow up on the journal left by Zero/One’s assistant Jacob that outlines her potential as a world threat. And I’ll admit, since I knew Elena Cassagrande was going to be drawing a few issues and she draws such terrific women, I started thinking in terms of bringing all those characters together.

CBR: In February the Red Hulk also pops up in the “Circle of Four” storyline that runs through “Venom” #13, #13.1-13.4, and #14. You and Rob Williams worked with Rick Remender on this story line. What was it like working with them? What made you want to be part of the story?

PARKER: Those guys are a lot of fun to work with. We did almost all of the story hashing over the phone, which I don’t usually do, and it came together really well. The story is about a team who shouldn’t be a team, so it’s automatically full of conflict.

CBR: What can you tell us about the Hulk’s role in the “Circle of Four?” How big of a part does he play, and will the events of “Circle of Four” have an impact on the regular “Hulk” series?

PARKER: He’s been set after Flash Thompson/Venom in a role that calls back to how they would have interacted in the military. So it’s their hunt that kicks it off. This jump into a dark mystic world kicks off an occult arc called “Haunted Hulk.” Something that happens here plagues Red Hulk starting with his big 50th issue!

CBR: We’ve talked quite a bit about the stories in “Hulk.” Let’s wrap things up by talking about the visuals. The next several months will see you working with a couple different artists. Who are they and what can readers expect from their work?

PARKER: The “Circle of Four” Hulk issue is drawn by Julian Totino Tedesco, who is excellent. I don’t know if you’ve seen his covers for Marvel or his other work, but he is impressive. 

Elena, who I mentioned before, came in for the “Fear Itself” issues and drew a wonderful M.O.D.O.K. She’s also drawing an issue that could have way bigger fallout later — when the Eternals run afoul of Red!

The “Haunted Hulk” arc will be drawn by someone I’ve been lucky to work with a lot in the past, and no stranger to Hulk books: Carlo Pagulayan! I never get tired of teaming up with that guy. He makes everything feel so epic and exciting.

CBR: We’ve talked a little bit about your plans for “Hulk” in 2012. Can you offer up any more hints or teases? Anything else you can tells us about your plans for the milestone “Hulk” #50?

PARKER: In issue 50 there will be a back-up that connects to the story with art by Dan Brereton! Dan and I have wanted to work together forever, and this supernatural subject matter is the kind of thing he crushes on.

CBR: Sounds like 2012 will be a great year for “Hulk” fans! Care to put a capper on both this interview and your work on “Hulk” in 2011?

PARKER: I see a lot of people online who had an aversion to the character, an idea of a replacement or new Hulk, tell me they were pleasantly surprised after reading the book and became regular readers. I just want to end the year by thanking them for their trust in me and the team, and for editors Mark Paniccia and Jake Thomas being on top of everything. I work with some serious pros!

To read the full interview, go to : http://www.comicbookresources.com/?page=article&id=36035

A general falls. A red monster rises. Stay tuned.
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RULK HONORS : IGN awards the Red HULK Comic Series as one of Marvel’s “Best of 2011” including “Best Art Team”!

As the 2011 year comes to a close, IGN has begun announcing their annual “Best Of” awards for 2011, with none other than the Red Hulk getting some much deserved recognition.  IGN broke down the “ten absolute can’t miss comics” that Marvel had to offer, celebrating Jeff Parker’s HULK series at #6.  Here is the write up:


#6 “HULK” –  IGN: “We’ll be honest. We never thought Hulk would bounce back from its first couple of years. And yet, courtesy of Jeff Parker, Gabriel Hardman, and Patch Zircher, Hulk has skyrocketed in quality and entertainment to become one of Marvel’s must-read titles. 2011 saw the introduction of General Fortean, a formidable foe for Thunderbolt Ross with a twist of irony; just as Ross used to hunt down Bruce Banner’s Hulk with ferocity, so too does Fortean hunt the Red Hulk.  Even amidst a Fear Itself tie-in, Hulk stayed its course and managed to be one of the few tie-in books that successfully furthered its own narrative as well as the larger event at hand. With a vast array of intriguing characters, new villains, and downright gorgeous artwork, this is the clear winner of Marvel’s two Hulk titles.”

Now if that wasn’t great news on it’s own, we’re happy to report the talented work of artist Gabriel Hardman and colorist Bettie Breitweiser were awarded as “Best Art Team” of 2011 for all comics (not just Marvel).  Here is the write up:


GABRIEL HARDMAN & BETTIE BREITWEISER – IGN:  “Of all the categories, this was the most difficult to nail down a winner for. With so much great comic book art being produced this year, it was a truly tough call. However, the work of Gabriel Hardman and colorist Bettie Breitweiser ultimately placed second to none. Hardman’s explosive page layouts, defining ink work, top-notch storytelling, and devotion to capturing the cinematic qualities of Jeff Parker’s Hulk story combined with the expressive, brilliant color palette of Breitweiser resulted in not only Marvel’s consistently beautiful book, but a shining achievement of superhero art across the board. It’s not easy to make a Hulk book full of emotion and subtlety when your main characters are rage-fueled giants, robots, and aliens. Yet here we are.”

Congratulations to the entire creative team and a big thank you for making a Red Hulk series fans can be proud of!

A general falls. A red monster rises. Stay tuned.
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“Can’t even show some mercy for your own kind, huh?” – Rulk

Everything you say betrays you as American.  He (Arabian Knight) is Afghani.  I am from this region.” – Dagan Shah.

In HULK Issue # 45 “Hulk of Arabia Part Four”, the captured Red Hulk and Machine Man finally get to confront Dagan Shah, the man Ross holds responsible for the death of the ex-Colonel William Krugauer.   As a result of Shah being able to interrogate simply by reading one’s memories, their confrontation  doesn’t last very long.  And once the enemy is pulled away to demonstrate his might in a mideastern conference, Rulk and Machine Man free themselves and uncover the secret how rebel Dagan Shah became the all powerful Sultan Magus of the mysterious city of Sharzhad.

Writer Jeff Parker works overtime on this issue setting up quite an elaborate and intriguing story explaining where Dagan Shah’s power originated from, that literally spans thousands of years.  It’s a sophisticated and intelligent read that caters to an audience that can appreciate thought provoking intricate tales as much as the pure reveling in the action and smashing by our favorite red behemoth.  Of course, Parker is at his best when he effectively balances both in a single issue, but this is still a pleasure to read.

Dagan Shah probes the Red Hulk’s memories

Parker is on mark with the dialogue as usual.  It’s enjoyable to experience Rulk make a sweeping “you people” generalization to Dagan Shah suggesting that everyone from the Middle East is the same, no matter what their region of birth… which is what one would expect come out of the mouth of the red-blooded American General Thaddeus Ross.   Red’s exchange with Machine Man was also thought provoking, especially when Ross was extremely interested with the mechanical hero’s ability to dream.  “You seem inordinately interested in the mind of androids” Machine Man commented.  Ross’ excessive interest comes across as a subtle suggestion that the Red Hulk is actually trying to learn more about his companion L.M.D. Annie rather than androids in general, someone which (he’d deny) he has developed feelings for.

It can’t be stressed enough that the artwork of Patrick Zircher’s is wonderful in this issue.  Once again his characters are realistically well drawn, and the points of view he selects are thrilling and a testament to his talents in perspective.  Zircher’s layouts are very interesting here too.  In the pages that feature the history of the alien technology, his use of circles and other geometric shapes are really quite unique and reek of creativity.  What a pleasure.

A hat must also be tipped to colorist Rachelle Rosenberg.  This couldn’t have been an easy issue to color, with hardly a precedent to follow in the deep alien underground of Sharzhad.  Usually joyfully saturated, she made some very interesting fading artistic choices and uses of glare that gives the issue a very unique, rewarding look.  Only the cover appears off… which just might be that shade of green.

4 out of 5 Stars 

A general falls. A red monster rises. Stay tuned.  
Follow the RED HULK BLOG on Twitter @ RedHulkBlog


The Red Hulk fights a Manticore.

Just those six words alone should be enough to sell this issue.  I mean how cool is that?  The Red Hulk fights a MANTICORE! – The legendary mythical beast with a face of a human, a body of a lion, and a tail of a poisonous scorpion!  Of course, it feasts on human blood… and when the giant creature begins its assault on Rulk and The Machine Man in HULK Issue # 44 “Hulk of Arabia Part 3: The Shifting Sands“, we know they’re in for one hell of a fight.  It’s an awe inspiring matchup that leads to a rip-roaring action scene which ends with the Red Hulk oh so satisfyingly tearing off the Manticore’s head.  Yes, I repeat, tearing off his head.  Simply awesome.

With an average writer, an event like this would feel forced, sacrificing the integrity of the story for the sake of the title bout.  Yet here Jeff Parker has given the mythical creature’s purpose and plausibility, likely created not only to guard the hidden city of Sharzhad with force, but to also fuel the superstitious fears of the people loyal to the surrounding opposition… much more effective than any “keep out” sign could provide.  Parker writes some good exchanges here as well, especially between Ross and Arabian Knight (who surprisingly reappears to join Rulk’s and Machine Man’s recon of Dagan Shah’s mysterious land very late in the game).  Ross and Knight defend the predictable sides of their home country’s policies and ideologies, a sore point for both that would result in blows if their intuitive machined companion didn’t continue to intervene.  It’s well thought out dialogue by a writer who really has the gift to channel the essence of the characters he writes.

Artist Patrick Zircher knocks another one out of the park with his fantastic illustrations.  His characters are superiorly drawn (especially the Red Hulk) and you can’t appreciate enough the emotional weight he gives their accompanying faces.  And wow, if someone has previously cornered the market on drawing amazing mythical beasts, Patrick Zircher must now be considered in the running.  His menacing Manticore is a thrill to behold and also adorns one of the best covers of the HULK series to date.  With the wonderful saturated colors of Rachelle Rosenberg, it’s all really fantastic.

4.5 out of 5 Stars 

A general falls. A red monster rises. Stay tuned.  
Follow the RED HULK BLOG on Twitter @ RedHulkBlog


Sometimes you just get it right.  Sometimes the stars align and all the pieces of creativity symbiotically fit into place like it was meant to be… resulting in a slice of perfection that is just heavenly to behold.  And that’s exactly what HULK Issue # 43 has with this artist, this colorist, this writer and this storyline.

Hulk of Arabia Part Two” resumes exactly where Part One left off:  Red Hulk fending off an intervention lead by Secret Avengers’ War Machine, Valkyrie & Black Widow.  The assembled heroes are trying to prevent Rulk’s personal war in the name of vengeance for the killing of a soldier… a fellow warrior… ex-Colonel William Krugauer.  They know the thirst of revenge the formal General feels can voluntarily blind one to the global tension an unsanctioned attack can create, which is why Steve Rogers orders and supervises the counterattack to stop Ross’ personal vendetta before it’s too late.  Provided a self serving opportunity to assess his unknown enemy (Dagan Shah), Rulk sees the interruption as strategically sound and agrees to temporarily cease his attack and meet with the Avengers (and local hero Arabian Knight) to gather as much intel as he possibly can before resuming his attack…. sanctioned or not.

The pure excellence of writer Jeff Parker has not shined brighter than in this amazing work, the “Hulk of Arabia” story arc.  The way Parker masterfully interjects the Red Hulk into today’s political hotbed that is the Middle East and saturates the event with all the realities of the hyper-sensitive fear of ramification that surround it, is outstanding.  It all feels real and resonates with a low underlying tension like an unrelenting pulse… suffering from a dangerously high blood-pressure.  Parker continues to understand and exploit the appeal of Red Hulk like no other, superbly stressing that the arrogance and self-righteousness that swells in Ross had multiplied tenfold upon gaining his new found crimson powers, superseding all respect for that ol’ chain of command he followed so religiously (to what benefit?). And just when you think it can’t get any better, Parker enters a new character into the fold.  Machine Man!


When Parker’s brilliance is equally matched with artistic brilliance, it’s time to revel in all the goodness with the realization you have one hell of a comic book in your hand.  Patrick Zircher’s art is glorious.  His characters are stunningly drawn.. and with such a flare of realism that fits superbly with very realistic story such as this.  The angles and perspective he chooses are elaborately intense… while his character poses are so extremely dynamic yet perfectly formed (a testament to his craft and his ability to properly keep the human anatomy proportioned, no matter where the point of view.)  What about his layouts?  Zircher is the King of Layouts… which are cinematic and exciting.  And while many colorists have been guilty of diminishing great artwork (Hulk #22 – #24 anyone?), the talents of Rachelle Rosenberg have proven to be an excellent compliment to Patrick’s work.


If you haven’t picked up this issue, do so now.  This is truly great work.

5 out of 5 Stars 

A general falls. A red monster rises. Stay tuned.  
Follow the RED HULK BLOG on Twitter @ RedHulkBlog

RULK REPRINT : HULK Issue # 42 Review

HULK Issue # 42Back on August 13th, 2011 I posted an advance review of HULK Issue # 42 “Hulk of Arabia Part One”.  Considering this terrific issue finally hit comic book shelves this past Wednesday, I felt this post was deserving of a second printing.  At the bottom of the review I also added the variant cover, and some results of the beautiful coloring work by Rachelle Rosenberg. 
Other than a few minor detail complaints… (the Rulk should be drawn without eyebrows)…  (Rulk’s eyes shouldn’t appear white in some panels, only yellow)… I am extremely pleased with this new creative team!  And it’s terrific to see the Red Hulk back in action with an artist who knows how to draw action. 

Here’s the review: 


Several weeks ago I had the pleasure of being able to read the 42nd issue of the HULK comic series “Hulk of Arabia Part One“.   Due to hit comic stands October 5th, advanced copies in the form of an ashcan became available via this year’s Comic-Con International in San Diego.   Smaller than a traditional comic with only black & white interior art, this marketing tool was distributed to a select few and I was fortunate enough to get my hands on a copy.   What I found is the best Jeff Parker HULK issue to date.

General Fortean is out hunting Rulk again and it is not surprising that Ross is finally losing his patience with him.   At any time the Red Hulk can put Fortean out of commission permanently, yet he still pulls his punches, out of compassion for the obsessed General that so mirrors his formal self.   Yet, that compassion is slipping because his former comrade doesn’t let up.   Then, suddenly, General Fortean lets up.   He not only backs off… he retreats.   Rulk ponders “he’s not one to retreat in battle“.

Are we done here General?

Are we done here General?


It’s not long before Annie, his life model decoy companion, calls the Red Hulk back to base camp with some news to report.   General Fortean received a transmission that an ex-Colonel, current mercenary Will Krugauer was killed in the Middle East.   Fortunately the transmission doesn’t concern Ross, Annie concludes. Ross responds “It concerns me“.   Krugauer was his friend, and after gathering some intel, the Rulk abruptly leaves to enact revenge on the army who killed him.   Annie can’t stop Ross and fears the worst.   She has no choice but to put a call through to Steve Rogers… “This is exactly what he’s always feared would happen.”  

Rulk seeks revenge

Rulk seeks revenge


Writer Jeff Parker masterfully strikes all the right chords with “Hulk of Arabia Part One“, a tale of good but flawed intentions, a tale of revenge and regret.   Parker understands and utilizes that it’s the General’s brash and arrogant selfish actions (which keeps him on the outside of the hero community looking in) that makes red giant so compelling.   Just when you think you can trust the Red Hulk, you can’t, and Captain America is forced to send in the Secret Avengers to stop him.

Learning that artist Gabriel Hardman’s last days of drawing the Rulk are approaching won’t be troublesome one bit with Patrick Zircher on the job.   His superior art in this issue results in one fantastically drawn Red Hulk and associated characters.   The art is so well done that part of me wishes this book would stay in black and white, in fear that the coloring would diminish Zircher’s beautiful work.   His use of silohettes are terrific and his action scenes are outstanding, especially the panels drawn in the Red Hulk’s perspective… like when his fists smash the Earth under some soldiers feet sending them flying into the air.

Parker’s and Zircher’s work combined has resulted in a perfect issue.   Can’t wait for Part Two.









5 out of 5 Stars 

A general falls. A red monster rises. Stay tuned.  
Follow the RED HULK BLOG on Twitter @ RedHulkBlog 




HULK Issue # 42 Variant Cover

HULK Issue # 42 Variant Cover