A general falls. A red monster rises. Stay tuned.

Archive for January, 2012

GREEN HULK : A Teaser for THE AVENGERS Film Superbowl Commercial has been Released!


HULK SMASH AVENGERS, a weekly five-part miniseries exploring the Hulk’s long and strained history with the Earth’s Mightiest Heroes throughout the years, kicks off in February with a different creative team each issue ending with the Red Hulk in issue # 5.  Here is a match-up breakdown of all five issues:

#1) Hulk vs. the original Avengers featuring Captain America, Iron Man, Giant-Man, Wasp and Thor  by Tom DeFalco and Ron Frenz.

#2) Hulk vs. Iron Man, Wasp, Vision and the Beast by Joe Casey and Max Fiumara.

#3) Hulk vs. Captain America, Iron Man, Hawkeye, Wasp, She-Hulk, Captain Marvel and Thor by Roger Stern and Karl Moline

#4) Hulk as “Mr. Fixit” vs. the West Coast Avengers featuring Hawkeye, Wonder Man, Mockingbird, Tigra and Iron Man by Jim McCann

#5) RED HULK vs. The Mighty Avengers featuring Black Widow, Ares, Wonder Man, Sentry and Wasp by Fred Van Lente & Michael Avon Oeming

Comic Book Resources obtained an exclusive preview of some of the artwork in Red Hulk’s upcoming battle in the series’ final issue.  Take a look:




HULK SMASH AVENGERS Issue #1 debuts this February.

A general falls. A red monster rises. Stay tuned.
Follow the RED HULK BLOG on Twitter @ RedHulkBlog

RULK PREVIEW : “Circle Of Four” VENOM Issue # 13

RULK EXCLUSIVE : Acclaimed Hulk Writer JEFF PARKER Answers YOUR Questions!

Writer Jeff Parker answers YOUR Questions!

In joyful celebration of the landmark 50th issue of writer Jeff Parker’s critically acclaimed HULK Comic, superstar Jeff Parker has graciously and enthusiastically agreed to answer questions from the people who count the most: the loyal fans!

Is there a question about Ross a.k.a the Red Hulk you have always been curious about?  Ask it here.  Do you have a question about Jeff Parker’s craft?  Ask it here.  In a couple weeks, the seven best questions will be selected and Jeff will answer them.  So think hard Rulk fans and make them count!

All questions must be submitted in the “Leave a Comment” section below.  Please feel free to refer yourself as anonymous if you so chose.

RULK PREVIEW : Jeff Parker’s HULK Issue # 48!

A general falls. A red monster rises. Stay tuned.  
Follow the RED HULK BLOG on Twitter @ RedHulkBlog


RULK PREVIEW : AVENGERS X-SANCTION Issue # 3 – The Talbot Red Hulk mystery is revealed!


At the end of AVENGERS : X-SANCTION Issue #2, a great deal of speculation occurred among the comic community when the defeated Cable referred to the Red Hulk as no one other than “Talbot”… rather than General Ross.  Well in this latest preview of Issue # 3, it appears out of all the theories suggested, one stands comfirmed: Cable came from an alternate timeline where Talbot still lives and is now the Red Hulk, transformed by the evil Intelligencia think-tank instead of Ross.  Check it out.






A general falls. A red monster rises. Stay tuned.

Follow the RED HULK BLOG on Twitter @ RedHulkBlog

RULK PREVIEW : Three New Variant CIRCLE OF FOUR Covers Revealed!




GREEN HULK : More Promotional AVENGERS Film Art!




RULK PREVIEW : Landmark HULK Issue # 50 Covers Revealed!





HULK Issue # 50

Jeff Parker (W)
Carlo Pagulayan (A/C)
Variants by:
Arthur Adams
Humberto Ramos
Walter Simonson
Blank Cover Also Available


A Great Jumping On Point, As The Ghoulish Haunted Hulk Arc Begins!
Who Or What Is The Dark Figure Hunting Red Hulk?  Can Red Hulk’s Might Match Malevolent Magic?  Appearances By Dr. Strange, Red She-Hulk, Iron Man, Spider-Man, Daredevil And Others We Aren’t At Liberty To Divulge!

48 Pgs.
Rated T+

GREEN HULK : AVENGERS PRELUDE Movie Tie-In Cover Art Revealed!


Marvel’s The Avengers Prelude #1 (of Four) hits comic stores this March, setting the stage for the movie event of 2012!

RULK PREVIEW : VENOM Issue # 14 “Circle Of Four” conclusion Cover Revealed!


RULK REPORT : Red Hulk closes in on the Symbiote and Las Vegas in VENOM Issue # 12!

In the latest VENOM Issue # 12, the Red Hulk closes in on public enemy number one… a.k.a Venom… a prelude to the “Circle Of Four” event that begins in the upcoming issue # 13.   (It runs through issues 13.1, 13.2, 13.3, 13.4 and concludes in VENOM issue #14)

Tasked by Captain America to hunt down the black symbiote wearer Flash Thompson, the Rulk is almost upon his A.W.O.L target who had just endured a magnificent battle with Jack O’Lantern in the streets of Sin City.   But a battle with that pumpkin wearing serial killer will only seem like child’s play once the Red Hulk is upon him and all hell is going to break loose.

Here is the scene in Issue #12 where Rulk is hot on the trail of Venom in the outskirts of Las Vegas, Nevada. He is asking for directions to Vegas in the last page of the story, which seems a little odd considering his home Gamma Base resides in the very same state… Death Valley, Nevada. You would figure Ross would know which direction the biggest city in his state would reside.. not even factoring a former U.S. General first lesson would be domestic geography and where all the major cities are located. But I digress.. logic problems aside, the build up is exciting. Take a look:

Be sure to pick up February 2012′s VENOM Issue # 13, the first chapter of the “Circle of Four” event featuring the Red Hulk, Johnny Blaze, Venom, Ghost Rider and X-23 as they struggle to save Las Vegas and the Earth from Mephisto and Blackheart. 

A general falls. A red monster rises. Stay tuned.  
Follow the RED HULK BLOG on Twitter @ RedHulkBlog


“They’re going back to their home.  We worked out a treaty.  You’re a military man.. you like treaties, right?” – Spider-Man

“I guess…” – Rulk

“Yeah, sure you do” – Spider-Man

While reviewing the previous AVENGING SPIDER-MAN  Issue # 1 and 2 (which can be read here), the series was simply proclaimed as “pure fun”.  It’s a compliment harder to achieve than one might think, and fortunately for comic fans everywhere, the 3rd and final issue of the Spider-Man / Red Hulk team-up continues that trend… and does not disappoint.

When we last left Spider-Man and the Red Hulk, the Rulk was slain by Ra’ktar, the King of the underground dwelling Molans who possibly possess the sharpest substance on… or underneath…  the Earth.   Slain with a sword crafted by this dangerous substance, Ross lay defeated…. and Spidey took that distraction as an opportunity to flee with the imprisoned Jonah Jameson.  But to Jonah’s surprise (which may finally spur a shred of understanding and admiration towards the arachnid hero that saved him ) Spidey can only show Jonah the way out before his strength of honor, code and conscience compels the web-head to return to the side of the Red Hulk… regardless if he will ultimately meet the same deadly fate.

Writer Zeb Wells strikes gold again and expertly highlights the stuff that these two mismatched heroes are truly made of.   From Spider-Man’s honorable refusal to leave without his partner… to the Red Hulk’s refusal to give up and let his enemy get the best of him, all the right chords are struck.  And who could not appreciate the Rulk trailing a pool of blood, forcing his body to move all while giving himself a rigged military pep talk… “On your feet Ross!” “Buck up soldier!”

In the perspective of solely Red Hulk fans, sure the time spent on Rulk in this issue was a little short changed, but the unorthodox yet classic way Spidey defeated Ra’ktar served the story well… including the revenge-denying truce that enraged Ross much more than any punch or sword stroke ever could.

Joe Madureira’s art is purely insane, in the utmost complimentary way.  With the brilliant coloring of Ferran Daniel, Madureira’s talent produces stunning upon stunning images that are so very unique, surreal and tantalizing.  His gift is truly a special one… and who could not love his thrilling use of silhouettes!  It’s simply wonderful.

This is a comic book that will remind you why you like the Superhero genre.  Pick it up!

4 out of 5 Stars 

A general falls. A red monster rises. Stay tuned.
Follow the RED HULK BLOG on Twitter @ RedHulkBlog

RULK PREVIEWS : Looking ahead and forward to HULK Issues # 48 and 49 !

Looking forward to the next installments of Jeff Parker’s Red HULK?  Definitely!  So here’s a peak at Issues # 48 and 49 including their covers, release dates and a small taste of what we can expect next for our favorite General turned Rulk!  Check it out!

HULK Issue # 48

In Stores:  February 01, 2012
Rating: T+
Format: Comic
UPC: 5960605992-04811
Price: $2.99

The Story:
The Red Hulk/Red She-Hulk SMACKDOWN you’ve been waiting for!  Betrayal strikes Red’s new cadre of villains



HULK Issue # 49

In Stores:  March 07, 2012
Rating: T+
Format: Comic
UPC: 5960605992-04911
Price: $2.99

The Story:
Red Hulk Versus The Eternals!  Guest Appearance From Hercules!  Has Red Hulk Set In Motion The End Of The World???



A general falls. A red monster rises. Stay tuned.  
Follow the RED HULK BLOG on Twitter @ RedHulkBlog

RULK PREVIEW : AVENGERS Vs X-MEN Issue # 2 Variant Cover Revealed!


AVENGERS VS. X-MEN #2 (OF 12) Written by JASON AARON Pencils by JOHN ROMITA JR. Variant Cover By NICK BRADSHAW

RULK PREVIEW : Red Hulk versus Colossus Cover for UNCANNY X-MEN Issue # 11!


Uncanny X-Men #11 Kieron Gillen (W) • Greg Land (A/C) Variant By Greg Horn • Avx Tie-In! • Cyclops Leads The X-Men In To Their Toughtest Battle Yet! • Juggernaut-Powered Colossus Vs. The Red Hulk! 32 Pgs./Rated T+ …$3.99

GREEN HULK : New AVENGERS Promotional Poster featuring the Stark Tower!


RULK REPORT : Red Hulk writer Jeff Parker talks HULK and “Circle Of Four”!


Celebrated Red Hulk writer Jeff Parker sat down with Marvel’s Chris Arrant to discuss the upcoming “Circle Of Four” event, writing the Red Hulk series, and the milestone 50th issue of the HULK.

Here are the highlights:

Marvel.com: HULK #50 hit stores in April, Jeff, so can you tell us what we can expect coming up?

Jeff Parker: Because he still answers to Steve Rogers’ requests, Red Hulk goes hunting Venom as an AWOL soldier, and gets pulled into battle with an enormous occult menace. This follows him out of the VENOM series as it kicks off a supernatural arc drawn by Carlo Pagulayan, who excels at the bizarre imagery such stories entail.

Marvel.com: We’ll be asking you about that VENOM arc, “Circle of Four,” in a bit, but right now I want to focus on the HULK, specifically Red Hulk. How has it been to define Red Hulk as a solo character and develop his cast of characters around him?

Jeff Parker: Really rewarding. He’s been running into/working with a lot of different heroes, but most don’t connect with him. Then comes Machine Man, who is methodical and all about the mission. That is the kind of thing Thad Ross really likes.

He also really likes Annie the Life Model Decoy from Gamma Base, though he seems completely baffled that he is entering into such a non-traditional relationship with a non-human. But he crossed a line in becoming a Hulk, the thing he hated most—so is it really that much bigger a step?

Marvel.com: Speaking of exploring new ground, I read that the Eternals show up soon. What can you say about that?

Jeff Parker: This year we’re going to be exploring the concept of gods in the Marvel Universe, and the idea that when you look at what man throughout history has considered a god, isn’t that what the modern super hero is?

The Eternals are strongly considering their place in humanity. They often decide that they shouldn’t interfere with us because they’re so powerful, but now there are lots of contenders to that level of power who interfere all the time. And haven’t the Eternals been here for ages; isn’t it their planet too? Shouldn’t they maybe step in and deal with these super people who seem to bring the world to the brink of destruction so often?

Main Eternals like Zuras and Ikarus point out the explosion in the super population and the especially worrying trend that there are suddenly more Hulks. And the first one, as a rule, has not always been the most stable of all-powerful creatures. So with this growing dei-paranoia, they approach Red Hulk, and you can imagine where things might go from there!


Marvel.com: One place I’d like to go from there with you is to talk about VENOM, which you mentioned earlier. You’re joining with GHOST RIDER writer Rob Williams and VENOM writer Rick Remender to tell a unique story-arc inside that crosses your characters as well as X-23. You’re doing VENOM #13.3, so what does your issue cover?

Jeff Parker: I’m part three, where things go really wrong!

Marvel.com: Exactly! Digging deeper however, this story takes place in Las Vegas. The Hulk has a long history with Las Vegas, but can you tell us how Red Hulk takes to the town? Jeff Parker: He doesn’t get much time to play the slots or meet dancehall girls; it’s mostly coming apart as soon as he gets there.

Marvel.com: How does the team dynamic work between Red Hulk, and Venom, X-23 and Ghost Rider? Jeff Parker: You know how some characters are put together and just click like a unit, a well-oiled machine? This isn’t that team. They make the most dysfunctional lineup of Masters of Evil look like the Fantastic Four.

Marvel.com: Speaking of the Fantastic Four, seeing this team together reminds me of a fun-house mirror version of the replacement Fantastic Four team with Hulk, Wolverine, Spider-Man and Ghost Rider. Was that intentional?

Jeff Parker: Oh yes! We even lucked up and got Walt Simonson to do a cover; everyone was thrilled when that came in. His original story was just so full of crazy energy and we wanted something that gave that same feel. I always loved when his Fantastic Four headed out to Monster Island and The Hulk took the pilot position instead of someone like Ghost Rider who you’d expect. I don’t know how many times I’ve read and re-read those issues.

Marvel.com: What’s it like to work in tandem with Rob Williams and Rick Remender to tell this story?

Jeff Parker: It’s like working with two other myselfs, if one had an English accent and the other a Tin Tin haircut. We’ve had such an easy time trading ideas and suggestions, it fools you into thinking writers teaming up is a good idea. I hope we get the chance to do it again.

Marvel.com: Artist Julian Totino Tedesco works with you on this issue, fresh from illustrating the covers to the upcoming SEASON ONE books. What do you think his particular skill set allow you to do with the story?

Jeff Parker: Julian is one of those artists who can draw anything, so the sky’s the limit. I lucked [out] big-time there. If you’re an artist, just looking at his pages will hit that nerve that makes you want to draw; you can just enjoy his lines.

To read the entire interview with Jeff, including his discussion regarding his THUNDERBOLTS Series, click on the link HERE !


AVENGERS Issue # 21

Price: $3.99

The Story: 






Issue # 3

Price: $3.99
The Story:

Red Hulk is dead! Only Spider-Man stands in the way of the subterranean invasion of Manhattan!




VENOM Issue # 7

 Price: $2.99

The Story: 

Pushed to his limits, Venom goes head to head with Jack O’Lantern!  The Arch-foes fight through Vegas brings them face-to-Face – with Toxin?!  Meanwhile, the Red Hulk closes in on public enemy number one – Venom!

GREEN HULK : “The Grey” director Joe Carnahan wants to direct “WORLD WAR HULK”!


Joe Carnahan, director of the upcoming Liam Neeson survival film “The Grey” coming to a theater near you, revealed his dream project would be directing an adaptation of WORLD WAR HULK!

Speaking with The Daily Blam!, here is what he had to say:

“I would love to make a World War Hulk film.. you know that comic where Hulk takes on Charles Xavier, Tony Stark and all of Earth’s heroes and just f*cks them up? That would be amazing to do! Maybe they’ll let me completely destroy Manhattan [laughs]. I think the character itself is so full of depth…I’m more of a fan of Ang Lee’s Hulk [movie] because it really captured that Jekyll and Hyde feel. I love seeing Hulk be docile and calm when he’s alone but go totally ballistic when anyone messes with him. If I could do it for $20 million, even better.”

Click here to read the entire interview :  http://www.dailyblam.com/news/2012/01/16/exclusive-interview-director-joe-carnahan-on-casting-brutal-filming-for-the-grey-com


A general falls. A red monster rises. Stay tuned.

Follow the RED HULK BLOG on Twitter @ RedHulkBlog



Avengers Vs. X-Men #1 goes on sale everywhere this April 3rd!


It’s been my experience that Giant Size issues (or in this case King-Size issues) are more often miss than hit.  Rather than getting a worthy addendum to a character’s current story arc, readers were too often “treated” to pointless new shorts that felt like useless filler surrounded by a sea of reprinted stories… leaving one at best unsatisfied and at worst with a feeling that the reader has just been “had” by a publisher’s money grab.  Fortunately, for Red Hulk fans, this is neither.

Beyond the classic comic reprints including the overplayed first appearance of Wolverine with the legendary villain Wendigo, KING SIZE HULK Issue # 1 features three new stories written by Jeph Loeb, two that are very good reads which actually flesh out the first half of the Red Hulk story arc.

It begins with “Where Monsters Dwell” drawn by the one of best artists in the business: Arthur Adams.  Six miles beneath the surface in a gamma base reinforced cell, Bruce Banner is drafting a report on a dossier S.H.I.E.L.D. asked him to review.  They have been tracking a mysterious new Hulk… a Red Hulk… heading west through Canada on his way to Russia.  No one knows at that point he was on a path to murder Emil Blonsky a.k.a. the Abomination, but Red ran into some trouble along the way in the form of a Wendigo and apparently there is more than one.  So Banner hypothesizes what happened that lone night with the details and evidence that was provided to him.

If any penciler could match Red Hulk’s sheer power conveyed by artist Ed McGuinness, it would likely be Arthur Adams.  The over abundant muscled frame he creates joyfully oozes a raw power few talents can match.  You can almost feel the Rulk’s core radioactivity simmer off the page.

Jeph Loeb finishes the tale at the offices of General Thaddeus Ross.  Sitting at his desk, Ross finishes Banner’s analysis by reading a postscript that seemingly is a heavily nuanced warning to the General himself.  It’s very well done.

The second story is the weakest of the three.  “Wait until dark” explores what happened to She-Hulk between the moment she was ripped from the bridge of the Helicarrier by the Red Hulk until she was thrown back at Iron Man’s feet in a state of unconsciousness (in the beginning of HULK Issue #2).  The problem is not with the story selection, but with Jeph Loeb’s odd need to interject an overdose of humor in She-Hulk’s narration of the event.  I know a witty sense of humor is not out of place with her character, but it feels severely out of place here.  All the appropriate fear and emotional impact in recounting the crimson hulk state he could kill the She-Hulk at any time, and her realization he was truly capable of that feat, is immediately dulled by the attempt at humorous narration.  Like when the Red Hulk makes this threat while pressing close and choking the life out of She Hulk, we read her comment “I wanted so badly to make a joke, like “worst breath, ever”.

Artist Frank Cho does a serviceable job in this story.  He is truly gifted at drawing a sexy female form, but many of She-Hulk’s erotic poses he draws feel forced.  Often a loss of subtlety is interpreted by some as gratuitous, but his gifts (and hers) show never the less.  Unfortunately Cho’s Interpretation of the Rulk is less inspiring.  Undoubtedly it’s well drawn, but his Red Hulk looks less like a Hulk and more like a linebacker who plays professional football.

In Loeb’s third and final entry “The Death and Life of the Abomination”, we return to the lonely underground cell of Bruce Banner for a quieter, more poignant moment. On the edge of his bed, Bruce sits and reads an analysis that was drafted by his nemesis, General Thaddeus Ross. Ross was asked to render this opinion as an envoy of S.H.I.E.L.D. on the brutal murder of Abomination. Under the premise that the more one understands a person’s life… the more one will understand their death… Ross delves into the life of the Abomination, the monster that murdered his daughter, his one and only child.

Understanding that he never lets a weakness (a.k.a. his true emotions) show, Ross and his cold and guarded analysis actually makes his words that much more touching because of it. And unbeknown to the cold and war hardened father, the writer General actually shares a tender moment a thousand miles away with the reader Bruce.. the only other man his daughter ever loved. It’s all a credit to Jeph Loeb, who teams up with the legendary classic artist Herb Trimpe who returns to drawing the Hulk after fifteen years.

Anyone who felt the Red Hulk’s first story-arc was lacking depth and needed a little more emotional resonance, should be pleased with what they find here. This collection is not a complete delight, but contains enough enjoyable addendums to warrant a read.

3.5  out of 5 Stars

A general falls. A red monster rises. Stay tuned.  
Follow the RED HULK BLOG on Twitter @ RedHulkBlog


RULK REPORT : Red Hulk goes hunting for a Symbiote in VENOM Issue # 11!

In the latest 11th issue of VENOM, no one other than the Red Hulk himself is tasked by Captain America to hunt down the black symbiote wearer, in a prelude to the upcoming “Circle of Four” event that begins with Issue # 13.

The story at this point indicates the current Venom, soldier Flash Thompson, who had been performing operations wearing the symbiote for the U.S. Government, has suddenly gone A.W.O.L..  Not only did he disappear without a trace, but Flash took the symbiote with him and now he has become enemy of the state… all obvious sore points for a former General now Hulk who served the military and country so honorably.  But what Rulk doesn’t know is…. Flash is being blackmailed by some very dangerous criminals and if he doesn’t come through with what they’re asking, his whole family’s welfare is at risk.

Here is the brief Red Hulk’s recruitment scene:

The great thing about this issue is, while Red Hulk fans will consider this an essential pickup as a precursor to the “Circle of Four” storyline, it is simply a great comic…  nicely drawn (except for Rulk’s beady eyes) with a well paced story.  And if the upcoming VENOM Issue # 12 is anywhere near as enjoyable, you may find yourself following this comic long after the “Circle of Four” has ended.  Pick this one up!

A general falls. A red monster rises. Stay tuned.  
Follow the RED HULK BLOG on Twitter @ RedHulkBlog

NEW RULK : AVENGERS (7-12) Trade Paperback out now!

It’s history in the making! Read how the Red Hulk continues his path to redemption and joins the mighty AVENGERS!  Originally released in a hardcover format, this trade paperback is out now and comes highly recommended!  It’s a terrific read!

Here are the details:


AVENGERS Volume 2 (Issues 7-12)

Published Date: January 11, 2012

Format: Trade Paperback

Retail Price: $19.99

The Story: One of the greatest secrets in Marvel history is laid bare – and it just may reignite the Civil War between Tony Stark and Steve Rogers! The Illuminati thought their days as the world’s protectors were over – until the Hood escaped from prison and embarked on a quest to gather the all-powerful Infinity Gems, which the super-secret brain trust had taken responsibility for safeguarding. Now, Iron Man, Professor X, Mr. Fantastic, the Sub-Mariner, Dr. Strange and Black Bolt will face a reckoning like never before when Steve Rogers learns of their years-long subterfuge. Will even the combined might of the Avengers, New Avengers, Secret Avengers and Illuminati be enough to take down a cosmically powered Hood? And did somebody say “Thanos”‌? Plus: What is the mystery of the Spaceknight?

A general falls. A red monster rises. Stay tuned.  
Follow the RED HULK BLOG on Twitter @ RedHulkBlog